26 August 2009
Dinkler Family Plot Video & Slideshow (Wordless Wednesday)
25 August 2009
Jacob Dinkler, Confectioner
Died Oct 5, 1897
In His 76th Year
Eglantine Square
Yesterday, I introduced you to Louis J. Dinkler, a baker turned hotel baron. Today, I would like you to meet his business teacher and father, Jacob Dinkler.
According to census records and his tombstone inscription, Jacob was born between 1821 and 1826 in Bavaria. He emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1855. He was married to Josephine, and they had two sons.
Jacob was a confectioner. Sometimes called a candymaker, a confectioner is a maker of confections (fancy, sweet foods). He was a craftsman who was determined "not to be surpassed."
Jacob had a bakery and "ice cream saloon" on Cherry Street in Macon. While I can still walk that same street today, I wish I could go back in time to visit the bakery of Mr. Dinkler and taste some of his sweet treats!
Here are a couple of 1860-1861 advertisements for Mr. Jacob Dinkler and his line of confections:

FOR the past six years engaged with Henry Horne, Esq., in the baking business, would respectfully inform the citizens of Macon, and surrounding country, that he has opened, on Cherry street, below the Georgia Telegraph Office, and next door to W. T. Nelson's, a Cake Bakery and Confectionary.
Persons may rely on finding a good assortment of Cakes, gotten up in the best style of the culinary art, and of the best material. He is determined not to be surpassed.
Parties furnished at short notice. A share of public patronage solicited...J. DINKLER
Macon, Sept 5, 1860"

As good as the BEST will always be found at the
Ice Cream Saloon of Jacob Dinkler,
EXCELLENT ICE CREAM furnished at all hours of the day and evening. Also Cakes, confectionaries and everything in my line will be furnished at moderate prices to Ladies, Excursion parties, Pic Nics, Weddings, &c., &c.
Give me a trial if you wish to be satisfied...JACOB DINKLER"
24 August 2009
Louis J. Dinkler: From Baker to Hotel Baron

Jacob Dinkler was a confectioner and presumably taught his son Louis the trade. Louis and his family were residing on Mulberry Street in Macon in the year 1900. Louis' occupation was listed as baker. By 1910, Louis was a proprietor in the hotel business.
An article in the 9 July 1911 Macon Weekly Telegraph tells of the opening of Louis' first Hotel Dinkler:
Reception to Be Held Monday Evening From 7 to 10 O'Clock -- Open to Receive Guests Tuesday
The new Hotel Dinkler, at Fourth and Mulberry streets, will be thrown open for the inspection of the public Monday night from 7 to 10 o'clock, and Louis Dinkler, the manager and proprietor, has extended an invitation to all of his friends to call during those hours and go through the building.
...It contains eighty rooms, forty of which are equipped with baths. Mr. and Mrs. Dinkler will reside in the hotel."
Three years later, with the hotel a success, Louis sold the property. He then retired to New York to rest. After some time passed, Louis Dinkler became head of the Atlanta based Dinkler Hotels. By 1921, Louis Dinkler was operating the "best known hotel in the South," Atlanta's Kimball House. Carling Dinkler, the son of Louis and Rose, joined the business after graduating from college. Father and son soon after became owners of the Ansley Hotel of Atlanta and the Phoenix of Waycross, GA. The following is a 1921 advertisement:

Sadly, Louis Jacob Dinkler committed suicide in the basement of his leased Piedmont Hotel in Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia 30 November 1928. Louis was laid to rest in the family burial plot in the Eglantine Square section of Rose Hill Cemetery. Here is a 2 December 1928 obituary and funeral notice from the Atlanta Constitution:

Last Service Will Be Conducted at St. Joseph's Church in Macon.
Funeral services for Louis J. Dinkler, 67-year-old hotel magnate and beloved head of the Dinkler Hotels system who died by his own hand late Friday night, will be conducted at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon at St. Joseph's church in Macon.
Mr. Dinkler had been in ill health for a number of months and in a sudden fit of despondency over his condition shot and killed himself in the basement of the Piedmont hotel shortly after 10 o'clock Friday night.
Mr. Dinkler was one of the best known as well as one of the most successful hotel operators of the south. He was chairman of the board of directors of the system which operates ten hostelries in eight southern and middle-western cities. His son Carling Dinkler is president and general manager of the chain. He was known to hundreds of travelers from all sections of the country.
In addition to his widow and his son, Mr. Dinkler is survived by a brother, O. J. Dinkler, who is also a hotel man. Carling Dinkler was in Nashville at the time of his father's death and did not arrive in Atlanta until Saturday morning."

An interesting note: Leon Sebring Dure, who is also buried in Rose Hill Cemetery and has been written about on this blog previously, was a pallbearer at Mr. Dinkler's funeral.
For images of Dinkler hotels and information about later generations of the family, as well as their continued success in the hotel business, you might wish to visit Dinkler Hotels at SouthernEdition.com.
Sources for this post include tombstone inscriptions, newspaper articles, census records, death record, and passport application. Specifics available upon request.
23 August 2009
In Memoriam: Mary Waggenstein Resigned Her Pure Soul to God
May 16, 1833
Dec 29, 1884
Eglantine Square
11 January 1885
Macon Weekly Telegraph
"In Memoriam
Died, in Macon, Ga, Monday, December 29, 1884, Mrs. Mary Waggenstein, a native of Hesse Darmstadt, in the fifty second year of her age.
After a life of love filled with kindness and charity to all, our noble hearted friend resigned her pure soul to God. She was not sick long, for our Heavenly Father knew she was always ready to go.
Our hearts are bowed in sorrow at our loss, and it will be hard, very hard, for us never again to see her noble face on earth.
The great comfort and consolation of her grief stricken husband, children, sister and friends is that she has exchanged her cross for a crown.
When on earth she loved us so dearly and spent all of her life in ministering to our wants and cheering us in our sorrows, then how much more will she not think of us when enjoying eternal bliss.
Our loss is her great gain, and we will not be so selfish as to wish her back to the work and cares of this world. We must be resigned to the holy will of God. He knows what is best for us and we must pray to meet her in our heavenly home, where the sorrow of parting is not known, and pray that at the close of out life, our hands and hearts may be filled with good works and deeds, like hers. Farewell kind friend, we had to part on earth, we will meet in heaven... A FRIEND"
18 August 2009
William Bonnell Once Occupied Chair of Natural Science at Shanghai, China
Oct 31, 1847
Mar 30, 1912
I am the resurrection and the life.
Eglantine Square Block 1, Lot 32
31 March 1912
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Viewed online at GenealogyBank.
Head of Department of Science at Wesleyan,
Son of Late John M. Bonnell, Former President of Wesleyan -- Once Occupied Chair of National Science at Shanghai, China
Professor William B. Bonnell, the well known educator and scientist, died Saturday afternoon at 2:35 o'clock at his home in Vineville after an illness of four weeks. On March 1 he was stricken with paralysis of the left side later resulting in complications causing his death.
Prof. Bonnell was born October 31, 1847, at Athens, Ga, being the eldest son of John M. Bonnell and Mary A. Bonnell, the former at one time president of Wesleyan Female College and a well remembered and conspicuous figure in the earlier history of Macon. It was at this time that Prof. Bonnell was engaged in the Atlanta campaign of the civil war, and some time later he entered the University of Georgia where he graduated with the B. S. degree. After leaving college Mr. Bonnell engaged in civil engineering and did his part toward the building of some of the earlier railroads throughout Georgia. His national aptitude for teaching, however, soon manifested itself so strongly that he gave up engineering and followed in his father's steps. His phenomenal powers in this direction soon won for him an exalted position as an educator throughout the south. In 1884 he volunteered for missionary service in the foreign field and accepted the chair of natural sciences in the Anglo-Chinese college of Shanghai, China. Here his personality and undying zeal continued to win him many true friends, not a few among whom were the Chinese, with whom he became closely affiliated. He has many personal friends among the highly educated and cultured people of that race now. Returning to America in 1895 he was elected to the position of head of the department of natural science at Wesleyan College, to which work he diligently attended up until the last few days of his life.
Prof. Bonnell is survived by his wife, Mrs. Alice Wright Bonnell; seven children, Miss Lillian Bonnell, John Wright Bonnell, Mrs. W. L. Clifton, all of New York City; Geo. H. Bonnell, of Atlanta; H. W. Bonnell, Miss Alice Wright Bonnell, Miss Gladys Bonnell; his brother, John F. Bonnell, of Emory College, Oxford, Ga, and his sister Mrs. H. H. Stone, of Oxford, Ga.
The ceremony will be conducted in Wesleyan college chapel by the Rev. J. T. Ryder, assisted by the Rev. W. N. Ainsworth, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment will be made at Rose Hill cemetery. The body will be in state from 12:30 p.m. until the hour of the funeral."

William was also part of the University of Georgia Centennial Alumni Catalog of 1901. If he indeed filled out the questionnaire, the above is his name written by his hand.
Railroad Men,
17 August 2009
Mrs. Bonnell Dead
Daughter of W. J. & C. M. Morton
Wife of John M. Bonnell
1827 - 1904
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord."
Eglantine Square Block 1, Lot 32
1 May 1904
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Passed Away at Oxford, Ga. -- Remains Arrive Here Today.
Mrs. Mary Ann Bonnell, aged 77 years, widow of Dr. John M. Bonnell, who for many years was the president of Wesleyan Female college, passed away yesterday morning at about 6 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stone, in Oxford, Ga. She had been in declining health for the past several years and her death was not entirely unexpected.
Mrs. Bonnell was a former resident of Macon, but moved to Oxford when her husband, who was then president of Wesleyan, died, and has since lived there with her daughter.
The deceased is survived by two sons and one daughter -- Professor W. B. Bonnell of Wesleyan, Dr. John F. Bonnell of Emory college and Mrs. Harry M. Stone of Oxford.
The remains will arrive here today at 1:10 p.m. and the funeral services will be held at Rose Hill cemetery by Rev. J. S. Scruggs of the Vineville Methodist church.
The pall-bearers will be Messrs. DuPont Guerry, R. F. Burden, C. T. King, W. G. Solomon, J. J. Cobb and Isaac Hardeman."
06 August 2009
Geraldine Hoge Laid to Rest 87 Years Ago Today
Wife of Joseph Wells Hoge
Dec 15, 1891
Aug 4, 1922
Gerald Ware Lot
Eglantine Square
6 August 1922
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Funeral services for Mrs. Geraldine Hoge, wife of J. Wells Hoge, of Atlanta, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ware, of Macon, will be held from Burghard's Chapel, 718 Cherry street, this (Sunday) afternoon at 5 o'clock, Rev. Osgood Cook, pastor of the Vineville Methodist Church, officiating. Interment will be in Rose Hill Cemetery."
Note: An additional funeral notice in the same edition states Geraldine died in Atlanta.
04 August 2009
One of the Few Remaining Southern Dames of the Old Regime was Virginia Cope
Wife of John L. Cope
May 17, 1826
Mar 30, 1910
Blessed Are The Dead That Die In The Lord
Ainsley H. Wyche Lot
Eglantine Square
Virginia Cope sounds like somebody I would like to have known. She spent the bulk of her life as a single woman; she was a widow for about fifty of her eighty-three years. Blurbs in the local paper state she was a business woman, and she owned a shop on Third Street in Macon. I found one mention of a "fruit store," but have yet to ascertain what exactly she sold. "Domestic novelties" seems to be the proper phrase. A Macon Weekly Telegraph article about a fair in December 1860 states, "Mrs. Virginia Cope,...shows neat specimens of baby caps, toilet slippers..." An article entitled "Personal Points" in September 1883 states, "Mrs. Virginia Cope leaves this morning for New York, where she will secure her patterns and purchase her full [fall?] stock of novelties."
It is clear she was a kind and charitable woman, as well. A blurb in the 31 December 1881 Macon Weekly Telegraph states, "Mrs. Virginia Cope arranged a Christmas tree yesterday evening in the room back of her fruit store for the benefit of some of the little ones whom Santa Claus had neglected in his round. About thirty little ones were made happy by presents of dolls, confectionary and trinkets, and thirty little hearts were touched, softened and gladdened by the soft hand of Charity."
Her death and funeral notice:
31 March 1910
Macon Weekly Telegraph
"Deaths and Funerals
Mrs. Virginia Sullivan Cope died at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Harriet Wyche, 418 Walnut street, yesterday morning at 3 o'clock, after an illness of several weeks.
Mrs. Cope was the daughter of Capt. Daniel Zillette Sullivan, of Virginia, who was one of President Andrew Jackson's closest friends and advisers. She was born in Columbia 83 years ago, coming to Macon after the death of her husband, John L. Cope, of Savannah, in which city she lived her married life.
For fifty years she was a resident of Macon, endeared to all who knew her. Her life was one of sweetness and gentleness, and in the later years she was looked upon as one of the few remaining southern dames of the old regime. Although she would have reached her eighty-fourth year next month, she went about unattended, and hers was a familiar figure in her comings and goings to the First Presbyterian church, of which she was a devout member.
She leaves a sister, Mrs. Harriet Wyche, her niece, Mrs. Gertrude Freeman, and other relatives.
The funeral will be held at the residence on Walnut street this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, and the services will be conducted by Rev. R. E. Douglas, of the First Presbyterian church; and Rev. Jno. S. Bunting, of Christ church, Episcopal. Interment in Rose Hill."
Harriet Wyche (May 22, 1823 - Feb 27, 1911), Gertrude J. Freeman (April 1, 1849 - Feb 28, 1934) and Virginia Cope are all buried in the same lot.
saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the
dead which die in the Lord from henceforth:
Yea, saith the Spirit, that they
may rest from their labours; and their
works do follow them." - Revelation 14:13
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