Showing posts with label Conner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conner. Show all posts

02 March 2013

Obituaries for Mother and Daughter Conner

Photo by James Allen

One of Macon's Noblest Women Laid to Rest in Rose Hill.

The funeral services of Miss Georgia Conner, who died at the family residence on Walnut street Thursday evening, were conducted at Christ Episcopal church yesterday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in Rose Hill cemetery.

Miss Conner's death has cast a gloom over the entire community and bowed the hearts of loving relatives and many dear friends with grief. She was one of those gentle women that help to purify and make better mankind, and a nobler, truer Christian woman never lived. Her life was a beautiful one, and her example is worthy of emulation. She died as she had lived, peacefully and gently, with strong faith in him who doeth all things well. This community suffers an irreparable loss in the death of Miss Conner. Heaven is richer.

Miss Conner was a sister of Messrs. Granville C., Thomas U., Fred and Henry C. Conner and of Mrs. W. A. Hopson.

The funeral was largely attended and the many handsome floral designs that covered the casket lid were evidences of the high esteem in which she was held. [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 22 September 1894, pg. 6 -- Viewed online at the Digital Library of Georgia's Historic Newspapers project.]

Photo by James Allen

The Mother of Alderman Conner Closes a Long and Useful Life.

Mrs. Louisa Conner, one of Macon's oldest and best-known residents, departed this life at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. V. A. Hopson, on Walnut street, at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon.

This announcement will sadden the hearts of the many who knew this estimable woman. She had lived in Macon for more than fifty years, but was a native of Virginia. Although she had reached the venerable age of 76 years, time had dealt so leniently with her that she was more handsome than most ladies thirty years younger.

She leaves seven children: Granville C. Conner, a member of the board of aldermen; T. V. Conner, a merchandise broker; Frank H., David B. and Frederick G. Conner, who are also in business, and two daughters, Mrs. Virginia A. Hopson and Miss Georgia Conner.

The funeral will be held on Sunday morning, from Christ church. [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 11 April 1891, pg. 2 -- Viewed online at GenealogyBank.]

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