25 November 2013

Now I Know Franklin Adamson's Cause of Death

Way back in February 2009, I wrote an article about Franklin Green Adamson. He was the son of Samuel Taylor Adamson and Mary Elizabeth Bright. All three rest in the Cabiness Ridge section of Rose Hill.

Franklin Green Adamson
Sept 4, 1875
May 1, 1922
He Loved To Make Others Happy

In the article mentioned, I noted that Frank had died at the young age of just 46 years and wondered what was the cause. Well, now I know.  I revisited Mr. Adamson, conducted more research, and brought up an image of his death certificate.

"Georgia, Deaths, 1914-1927," index and images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/JDXW-FFF : accessed 25 Nov 2013),
 Franklin Green Adamson, 01 May 1922.

The document answered my initial question -- Frank's cause of death was "heart disease with pneumonia." Most everything else on the certificate of death was as expected.  Frank was married, he was a locomotive engineer for G. S. & F. Railway Company, his father was S. T. Adamson, and his mother's maiden name was Bright.  This information was provided by Frank's brother Edward.

A tidbit that should be noted, however, is the birth date.  The document states it as Sept 5th, 1876.  But Frank's ledger marker in Rose Hill Cemetery gives it as Sept 4, 1875.  Hmmm...

08 November 2013

But Some Must Die, Even Some in Beauty's Bloom

In the Central Avenue Division of Rose Hill Cemetery rests Jane P. Shackelford, her ledger marker describing the sweet young lady she was, and the classy woman she was surely to have become. The article following details her tragic end.

In Memory Of
a member of the Junior Class in the Georgia Female College
who departed this life
Jany 26th, 1841
in the 15th year of her age.

Never was there a happier commingling of all the virtues that adorn the
female character, than was to be found in this early victim of the grave.
In childhood's hour she had been taught the precepts of the adorable
Saviour, and in after life she exemplified in her meek and pious
deportment, that those divine precepts had been deeply engraven upon
her heart by the Spirit of God.  Though sudden was the call, yet was she
prepared through the merits of her Redeemer, to enter upon the realition of
the Heavenly World.  This humble tribute is from one, who would ill become
to utter flattery or praise, but who can calculate the measure of that pang,
which strikes the parents heart upon the loss of such a child.  Whither shall
he go for comfort.  Let him look up and say,
"Thy will, O God, be done."
At the Female College, in this city, on the 26th ult., Miss JANE SHACKELFORD, daughter of F. R. Shackelford, of Darien, formerly of this place, in the 14th year of her age.

But some must die, e'en some in beauty's bloom
Be laid within the cold and silent tomb.

The melancholy circumstances attending the untimely death of this young lady, are briefly these: -- She was a member of the College, and on the Wednesday preceding her death, whilst alone in her room, thoughtfully engaged in preparation for her customary recitations, her dress accidentally came in contact with the fire, near which she was sitting, and was instaneously [sic] enveloped in flames. With that calm self possession, which the war-worn veteran, who has faced danger and death at the cannon's mouth can never acquire, and a resolution unknown to ordinary intellects, she endeavoured by her own exertions to extinguish them; as calmly as if it was a premeditated act, she strove to arrest their progress, but the advance of the devouring element was too rapid to be subdued, by such means, and in the attempt her hands were dreadfully burned. Assistance was called, and quickly came, but all too late. The fire was quickly subdued, but its progress had been fatally rapid. Every exertion that skill or kindness could devise to relieve the sufferer was put in requisition, but in vain. She lingered in agony until the Tuesday following, when her pure spirit took its flight to another and better world... [Macon Weekly Telegraph (Georgia) 9 February 1841, pg. 3]
Credit: original photo by James Allen. Slightly cropped variation above by S. Lincecum.

07 August 2013

Midnight in the City of the Dead, Pt 2

...We could but listen. Thoughts, for which neither reason nor training are responsible, at times flash over the mind, and so we stood there with all this night tremulous with this strange rapture, there came a dream, that this weird melody, born out of the silence of death, was chastened grief turned to joy, and made immortal in melody. It came and passed, casting a fleeting shadow on Belief, as the shadow of a bird falls upon the upturned face of an infant that watches, and leaves its mark only upon the memory.

Just out of the line of these aisles our companion pointed to a group of pines, whose trunks and branches wove themselves into the semblance of a ruined cathedral. The columns were standing, and the rotten roof, across whose opening the white moon was swiftly gliding, seemed just ready to drop downward. A low, murmurous breeze shook the foliage, and like the far, faint chanting of a hymn, we heard its whispers. This low-voiced breeze, this only sound which reaches us from eternity (DeQuincy), heard through this temple of the pines above the graves of many thousand, spoke its message not in vain.

On we pass, up the river, turning once to look into the hollow aisle we have forsaken. The deep, transparent shadows, lie within. It is the back ground Correggio loved, the
shades Rembrandt learned so well. It only needed a fair face beside the scarred beech, to make the picture perfect, and who can doubt but there have been wanderers there, who, turning from a flower-decked tomb, have paused to look upon the perfect picture wrought by Memory's potent touch.

And so lingering no more, we continue the journey. White robed forms stand back among the trees pointing to heaven: a child sleeping upon a marble bed with upturned face at rest; a boy kneeling forever with hands clasped in prayer, and silent crosses keep watch. Into the light, into the shadow, we pass back and forth, as these slumberers had passed through joys and sorrows. The river is far away behind us, the broad entrance before. As we pass out we think if all the grief that has sobbed beneath that arch could return and find voice, the walls of heaven itself would tremble and the angels' song be hushed.

[Author of text unknown. Item published in the 7 October 1881 "Georgia Weekly Telegraph" (Macon, GA). Photos © 2009-2013 S. Lincecum.]

06 August 2013

Midnight in the City of the Dead, Pt. 1

It was late in the night when in company with a companion, like ourselves moved by curiosity, we arrived in front of Rose Hill Cemetery and passed in silence under the arch which, itself, stands like a monument across the pathway of the living. Not a sound from all that vast resting place of the dead arose to break upon the breathless air, save the monotonous crunching of the gravel as we strode along down the right, past the white monuments, to the lowly beds of the Confederate dead. What a sight! Line upon line, rank upon rank, column upon column, as though a regiment wearied and worn, had lain down beneath those trees to rest. We fancied once we heard in the distance the faint echo of a bugle call, but as we listened, the repeated hooting of an owl explained the sound. Never again will the ranks uprise, nor stir. Never again will those solemn lines be broken by death, sickness or furloughs. There in the sound of the river they rest. Empires may rise and fall, republics strengthen, break and die, and Liberty become immortal, but the changes will be rung no more in the hollow circles of their lives. Their labors are ended, and in the hearts of Southern people their name and their glory is preserved. We stop and read upon the nearest head-board, "Unknown." It seemed the very irony of fate.

Leading away toward the river was an avenue, above which the trees clasped hands and caught the gleaning dew-drops as they fell. Beneath we passed until the flashing light upon the river shone upward through the tangled brakes. Within this aisle which
followed the river course through the cemetery the shadows are away among the trees right and left, the ivy carpets the ground from view. In one place stood a giant tree entirely covered by it. The vine had climbed to the nearest bow, swayed back in streamers, and woven itself a banner that swung nearly to the ground. Through this dark robe the broken light found a passage. Scarcely hearing each other's footsteps, we were traversing the avenue, when there fell upon the ear, the low gurgling warble of a mocking bird just breaking into song. Away above us he had hid himself. The song, broken into snatches at first, grew in power as the singer became enthused. Wonderfully clear and musical it floated down. The narrow aisle was filled with a presence, as though the very incarnation of music had swept by upon trembling wings, and awoke a thousand fairy bells...

[Author of text unknown. Item published in the 7 October 1881 "Georgia Weekly Telegraph" (Macon, GA). Photos © 2009-2013 S. Lincecum.]

19 July 2013

Death of the (1887) Grand Treasurer of the Masons


Augusta Chronicle (Georgia)
15 December 1887, pg. 8
>> Viewed online at GenealogyBank

Joseph E. Wells (1812-1887)
Photo by James Allen
Burial at Rose Hill by the Grand Lodge of Masons.
The funeral of the late Joseph E. Wells occurred yesterday afternoon.

Shortly before 2 o'clock the grand lodge of Masons, of which Mr. Wells had been treasurer for over forty years, was escorted by Macon Lodge No. 5 and St. Omer Commandery, No. 2, Knights Templar, from the grand lodge building to the late residence of the deceased on Second street, and thence to the First Presbyterian church.

As the doors were opened Beethoven's funeral march was played on the organ by Mrs. S. A. C. Everett, and Revs. W. B. Jennings, pastor of the church, and Robert Adams, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, walked slowly down the aisle to the pulpit. Following them were the elders of the church, Dr. P. H. Wright, Dr. J. P. Stevens, Judge Clifford Anderson, Judge John J. Gresham and Mr. E. H. Link. Then came the pall bearers, George B. Turpin, T. L. Massenburg, Jas. Boon, John G. Deitz, C. M. Wiley and Geo S. Obear, bearing the casket. Then came the grand lodge, Macon lodge and the Knights Templar, and following them were the members of the bereaved family.

After a prayer by Mr. Adams, Mr. Jennings read a selection from the Bible -- 1st Corinthians, 15th chapter, and then was sung the hymn beginning:
Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep,
From which none ever wake to weep,
A calm and undisturbed repose
Unbroken by the last of foes.
Mr. Jennings took for his text the 18th verse of the 28th chapter of Matthew: "And Jesus came and spake unto them saying, All power is given unto Me in Heaven and in earth." Then in a brief sermon he alluded most touchingly to the life of the deceased and of his connection with the church.

The 330th hymn was then sung, and after a prayer, the pastor announced that the services would be concluded at the grave.

The large congregation arose as the remains were taken away by the Masons. The procession wended its way to Rose Hill, where the beautiful and impressive Masonic services were conducted by Hon. John S. Davidson, of Augusta.

The music at the church was rendered by Mrs. DeJarnette, Miss Brooks and Messrs. Irvine and Everett.

The following members of the grand lodge were present and officiated in the burial service:

Hon. John S. Davidson, grand master, Augusta; George W. Adams, deputy grand master, Forsyth; Charles E. Damour, grand senior warden, Macon; Charles R. Armstrong, grand junior warden, Eastman; Rev. James R. Winchester, grand chaplain, Macon; C. T. Latimer, grand treasurer, Eastman; A. M. Wolihin, grand secretary, Macon; E. B. Roger, grand senior deacon, Gibson; W. B. Daniel, grand junior deacon, Macon; George S. Dasher, grand marshal, Macon; J. T. Colcord, first grand steward, Eastman; C. Masterson, second grand steward, Macon; W. W. Solomon, third grand steward, Macon; Charles H. Freeman, grand tyler, Macon.

The grand commandery of Knights Templar was represented by Sir Knight Thomas W. Chandler, of Atlanta, past grand commander of Georgia. -- Macon Telegraph.

18 July 2013

Major Wolihin Dead

Wolihin Plot
© 2011-2013 S. Lincecum
A large monument stands in the Eglantine Square section of Rose Hill Cemetery. It is full of Masonic imagery, dedicated primarily to two men: Andrew Martin Wolihin and his son William.

Andrew was born at Leesburg, Virginia 1 October 1831. He married Emily Francis Wilder (1840-1921) in Dougherty County, Georgia 20 December 1860.1 She was a daughter of Mr. W. H. Wilder, once a mayor of Albany.2 Emily rests beside Andrew in Rose Hill Cemetery.

Andrew also fought for Georgia during the Civil War. He is most noted, however, for his contributions to the Masonic Order, serving as Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.

An obituary will follow, but I thought you might be interested to know how Mr. Wolihin was a victim of a stabbing when he was 48 years old. In June of 1880, literally days after arriving in Macon, Andrew Wolihin was working as a manager of the National Hotel. Three men entered the establishment requesting a room with three beds, "stating that they had three women they wanted to carry up there." Mr. Wolihin denied the request, remarking that "he did not keep such a house." A bit of badgering was begun by the men, and one made the mistake of saying, "speaking in a slow and deliberate manner, and emphasizing each word,
"I think you are a d__d old s_n of a b___h."
(Yep, that's how it was printed in the newspaper.3) As you might imagine, a fight ensued. Mr. Wolihin actually initially got the better of his attacker, but right before the police might have arrested the perpetrator, he lunged at Mr. Wolihin with a knife. Many thought Wolihin would surely die, but he survived, returning to finish recovery at his home in Albany a couple of weeks later.

From "Grand Lodge of Georgia",
31 Oct 1893 Macon Telegraph
Andrew Martin Wolihin died 22 February 1897. Here's the promised obituary from the Jackson Argus (Georgia), contributed by Don Bankston to the USGenWeb Archives:

"Major Wolihin Dead

Major Wolihin died at his home in Macon on the night of the 22nd inst after an illness of about two months.

Maj. Wolihin enjoyed an extensive acquaintance among the Masons of the state and especially of this section. He has visited Jackson and rendered valuable services in conferring Masonic degrees. The brethren here regarded him as one of the grandest old men in the order and his death causes much sadness.

He was a consistent member of the Baptist church, having accepted that faith many years ago. As a Mason Major Wolihin took second place to none in his love and enthusiasm for the order. For the past ten or twelve years he was the grand secretary of the order and performed the duties of that office as a work of love. He loved the order for its ennobling effects on mankind and no man did more than he to help keep up its high teachings. Major Wolihin was also grand secretary of the grand chapter of Georgia of Royal Arch Masons and deputy inspector general of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Thirty Third degree of Scottish Rite Masons. In his daily walk he practiced charity and benevolence towards his fellow man and although one of the most courageous of men he was as gentle as a woman. Those who knew him best loved him most. No man had more warm personal friends that [sic] he and the announcement of his death will be learned with profound regret through the jurisdiction of Georgia."

© 2011 - 2013 S. Lincecum

Note: If you're interested in all the Masonic imagery found on the monument, jump over to the Southern Graves blog and peruse Wolihin Masonic Monument.

A few footnotes:
1. Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. Georgia Marriages, 1851-1900 [database online]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc, 2000.
2. "The Deadly Knife," The Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 22 June 1880; digital image, GenealogyBank (http://www.genealogybank.com : accessed July 2013), Historical Newspapers.
3. ibid.

09 July 2013

To the Memory of James Croghan, Aged 15 Years & 9 Months (Tombstone Tuesday)



youngest son of
Born in Milford Co. Galway Ireland
and died in this City on the
19th of July 1841
Aged 15 years & 9 months.

As he looked with love and fondness
on his parents and brothers,
he was suddenly called away
by his Eternal Father,
and left them to deplore their loss.

May he rest in peace.

Erected by his affectionate Brother.

04 July 2013

The Melancholy History of John and Mary Hodgkins

It's been many years since I began transcribing the stones in Rose Hill Cemetery. This was before I had a nice digital camera with a decent size memory card, so I literally was going stone by stone and writing down the inscriptions with any applicable notes. Anyone who has done this knows it's painstaking work.

What's more aggravating than not having a library of personal photos, is seeing a fairly recent photo of a stone that seems to bear less information than when I saw and transcribed it. Stones have since been broken, stones have sunk further into the ground, and stones are more overgrown now than before.

James Allen took photos of thousands of stones in Rose Hill Cemetery and uploaded them to the Bibb County, Georgia GenWeb project. He kindly sent me CDs containing these photos, as well. His photo of the stone of John C. Hodgkins is here:

John C. Hodgkins (1837-1874)

What can barely be seen at the bottom of the broken stone is the beginning of information for John's wife, Mary E. Artope. While I noted the stone was broken many years ago, I was able to then see her birth and death dates: May 11, 1838 ~ Nov 8, 1871. Discovering the following article detailing the death of John and the depth of love he had for his wife, really makes me wish I had a photo of their two names together on one stone.

"Death of Mr. John C. Hodgkins.
We regret to announce the death of Mr. John C. Hodgkins, which took place at five o'clock yesterday afternoon, at the residence of his father. He has not been in good health for some time, and he was taken suddenly ill Tuesday morning and he continued to grow rapidly worse until he expired as above stated.

About two years ago Mr. Hodgkins lost his wife, and he never recovered from the blow. He has been a different man ever since, giving little attention to affairs of any kind, and living almost the life of a recluse; and during the whole of that time his grief has been nurtured and kept warm by daily visits to the cemetery, where repose the remains of his beloved one, beside which his remains will be laid to-day. It is a bit of melancholy history, but very beautiful in its melancholy as illustrating the noblest quality of human nature.

Mr. Hodgkins was about thirty-nine years of age, and leaves a family of small children. His funeral will take place from Christ Church at 5 o'clock this afternoon." [Macon Weekly Telegraph (Georgia), 14 July 1874, pg. 4]

25 June 2013

Thomas Becomes Editor of the Enquirer-Sun (Georgia Editor Dead, Pt. 3)

Augusta Chronicle (Georgia)
22 March 1926, pg. 2 (continued)

"...Editor of Enquirer-Sun.
The latter part of 1919 Mr. Loyless sold his holdings in The Chronicle to Thomas J. Hamilton, present editor of the paper, and he went to Columbus in company with Julian Harris, son of Joel Chandler Harris, of "Uncle Remus" fame, where he was associated in the publication of The Enquirer-Sun of that city. Mr. Loyless continued as editor of that paper for some time, being forced out of active newspaper work on account of ill health and he turned his attention to developing the Warm Springs resort, which he felt sure was one of great curative worth, and he did much work there, later doing a limited amount of journalistic work, notably for The Macon Telegraph, until ill health finally compelled him to quit entirely.

A Forceful Writer.
Mr. Loyless was regarded as a forceful and convincing writer, always interesting, analytical, informative and dependable. His genius as a reporter and his ability to put over a scoop were first demonstrated while he worked as a reporter on the Macon News, when he, a country boy, was sent to cover the Woolfolk hanging at Perry. Woolfolk had been convicted of killing his family of nine people with an axe, and interest in the tragedy kept the state on ear. It was highly important, in Loyless' opinion, that his newspaper should get the story first, and as there was only one telegraph wire or means of communication with Macon, he handed a Bible to the operator and told him to start at Genesis and seep sending until he should be stopped by Loyless. In the meantime, Loyless prepared his news story and got it far enough along to make sure he could keep his private operator busy. No other newspaper man had any outlet for his story and Loyless had the exclusive beat for the state and he was only a country boy.

Mr. Loyless' last newspaper connection was with the Macon Telegraph last year, he conducting an independent column until he became too weak to keep up the work."

Thomas W. Loyless
July 27, 1870 - Mar. 21, 1926
Remains Resting at Rose Hill Cemetery.

24 June 2013

Thomas was Left an Orphan Early (Georgia Editor Dead, Pt. 2)

Augusta Chronicle (Georgia)
22 March 1926, pgs 1 & 2 (continued)

"...Left an Orphan Early.
His father died in 187[5?] at the age of 30 years, when young Loyless was only five years old, he being the third child of a family of four children, and his mother died in 1879 at the age of 34 years. This left Thos. W. Loyless on his own resources at an early age and he began work as a clerk in his uncle's store at Dawson, but before he was 15 years old he went to Savannah as a clerk in a cotton firm, soon returning to Dawson to again work a short time in his uncle's store. However, he almost immediately began newspaper work on The Dawson News, now published by Hon. E. L. Rainey, of the prison commission of Georgia. His work soon attracted attention and he went to Macon in 1889 to work with The Macon News and a year later became city editor of The Macon Telegraph. In 1893 he went to Knoxville as managing editor of The Knoxville Sentinel, which position he held until 1[895?] when he organized a company to purchase The Macon News, which paper he edited until 1899, when he sold his interest to go to Atlanta as associate editor of The Atlanta Journal, and after a year there he accepted the same position with The Atlanta Constitution.

Becomes Chronicle Editor.
In 1903 he became associated with H. H. Cabaniss, business manager of The Journal, in a syndicate to purchase The Augusta Chronicle, and he was associated with Mr. Cabaniss in the work until 1905 when he procured the interest of Mr. Cabaniss and became editor and manager of The Chronicle. His record in Augusta is so well known until it would be needless to recount it. His activities were not circumscribed by the newspaper world, but instead he took and active part in practically every movement of consequence in the city and section during his residence here.

While not taking any part in politics personally, he was recognized as a great thinker and the fact that he was a selfmade [sic] man, fighting his way from the ground up, through all the vicissitudes of life, made him respected as an authority. He made enemies and friends and steadfastly maintained his position and fought for his convictions unrelentingly.

His home life was most affectionate. In 1895 he married Miss Margaret St. Clair Neill, daughter of Capt. Cecil C. Neill, of the United States navy. Though born in Charleston she was reared in Macon. To the couple was born a son, who died as a boy, and a daughter, Margaret, now Mrs. Patrick H. Mell.

In 1908 he was a delegate at large from Georgia to the democratic national convention and in 1912 he was tendered the same position, but he did not accept..."

Part 1 is here. Final part next up: "Editor of Enquirer-Sun" and "A Forceful Writer."

23 June 2013

Georgia Editor, Dead

Augusta Chronicle (Georgia)
22 March 1926, pg. 1

Macon, Ga., May 21 -- (AP) -- The body of Thomas W. Loyless will be brought here on a special car on the Southern railway Tuesday evening at 7:55 o'clock and the funeral will take place Wednesday morning at St. Joseph's Catholic church.
Thomas Wesley Loyless, for 15 years editor of The Augusta Chronicle and nationally known as one of the South's leading newspapermen, is dead. After a lingering illness, that affected him for years he succumbed yesterday morning at 11:30 o'clock, death occurring at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Pat M. Mell, in Philadelphia. His condition had been regarded as acute since last summer when he underwent a major operation in Atlanta from which he never recovered. During the Christmas holidays he went to visit his daughter and suffering a recurrence of his ailment he grew worse until his death was momentarily expected on several different occasions during the past two or three months.

The announcement of his death will cause a shock throughout the state. A decade ago his death would have removed from the life of Augusta one of its leading figures around whom centered some of the stormiest fights ever inaugurated in Augusta. His newspaper career in Augusta covered a period of over 15 years and all of it was characterized by an activity prior to that unequalled in the history of local journalism.

Marion Building, Augusta,GA
Marion Building, Augusta, GA
by buck stone, on Flickr
Notably Active in Augusta.
His most notable activities were directed toward upbuilding the city in a commercial and industrial way, at the same time attacking means and methods in some quarters. The completion of The Chronicle building, now known as the Marion building, was the first modern fire-proof office structure completed in the city and he was the dominant figure in its organization.

In political circles he waged a two edged sword and his support of Gov. John M. Slaton [as?] the memorable Leo Frank case attracted nationwide attention, and while not strictly a political question it had many aspects of this character.

In the last illness of Mr. Loyless he knew that he was facing the inevitable and had sent messages to friends in Augusta that his death was but a question of time and the time would not be long. The turn for the worse came last Friday night and he continued to sink gradually until the end came quietly Sunday morning, with his wife and daughter, an only surviving child, present at his bedside.

Funeral in Macon Wednesday.
Thomas, son of T. W. Loyless
Died Feb 22, 1898
Plans for the funeral are for the burial to take place at Macon Wednesday morning, the former home of the family, where he will sleep beside his only son, according to his often expressed wish, the son dying many years ago, when he was a promising boy, filling his father's heart with grief and sorrow, from which he never fully recovered.

After the last sad rites are over, his wife, Mrs. Margaret St. Clair Loyless, will go to Deland, Florida, where she will be with her half-brother, Loyless Kennedy, for some time.

The surviving members of his immediate family are his wife, Mrs. Margaret St. Clair Loyless and his daughter, Mrs. Patrick H. Mell, together with her little daughter, grand-child of Mr. Loyless.

Thomas W. Loyless was born in Dawson, Ga., July 27, 1870, son of Thomas W. and Susan (van Aldehoff) Loyless. His father was born in Columbia county, Georgia, and entered the service of the Confederate Army under General Joe Wheeler, when a very young man, serving with distinction until the close of the war. After the war his father went to Dawson, Ga., and shortly afterward married Miss Susan van Aldehoff, of Tennessee..."

Block 2, Lot 39 of Eglantine Square
Rose Hill Cemetery
Macon, Georgia

Stay tuned for more about Thomas Wesley Loyless. Next up: "Left an Orphan Early" and "Becomes Chronicle Editor."

21 June 2013

In Memoriam: Mrs. Meta Agnes Kennedy

Meta Agnes, wife of Andrew Kennedy of yesterday's post, was born 27 July 1854 in Charleston, South Carolina to George W. Black. She died just short of her 45th birthday at her home, Breezy Hill on Forsyth road, in Macon, Georgia 19 July 1899. She rests beside her husband in Rose Hill Cemetery.

"God's Last Best Gift To Man, A Noble Woman."
Meta Agnes Kennedy
Born Charleston, S.C. July 27, 1854
Died Macon, GA July 19, 1899.

Macon Telegraph (Georgia)
2 August 1899, pg. 5

Mrs. Meta Agnes Kennedy, Wife of Andrew W. Kennedy.

Meta Agnes Kennedy, wife of Andrew W. Kennedy, whose mortal remains were laid away under the kindly shadows of Rose Hill's guardian pines a few days ago, was a woman of the most lovable character. Born in Charleston, S.C., the daughter of Geo. W. Black, July 27, 1854, she was old enough, during the civil war, to realize its terrors.

As a child she had ministered to the fighting men who bore the Confederacy's flag, and, as a child, she had wept over the loss of brothers, grown to manhood, who had given their lives to their country's cause. The afflictions which threw a pall over her early youth strengthened and ennobled her. She rose out of them a woman who could sympathize with others, for she had known what it was to suffer. She was equipped for any station in life. Those who came within the circle of her radiant presence were held in charm by her personality. Her unobtrusive kindness was a perennial benison to those who looked to her for comfort and cheer. Endowed with all the graces that illustrated the highest type of womanhood, her children rise up to call her blessed and the world is made better because she lived to exemplify in her daily walk and conversation the virtues inculcated by the Master. Her helping and comforting hand was ever extended to the lowly. In the efforts and ambitions of those who were near and dear to her she was always an eager participant. No sacrifice for them was too great for her to make; no duty was too arduous for her to meet; no trial to excessive for her to endure. In the window of her heart the light of love was kept burning. For those about her she made the day fair. Devoted to her church she proved herself its true daughter. She was quick to administer to those who were afflicted. She was generous to those who were aspersed. She was loyal to those who depended upon her for guidance, for safe-keeping and for solace.

Such a life makes us sure that there is hope beyond the grave; that there is to be a reunion in a happier state; that there must be reward for the faithful.

20 June 2013

How Mr. Andrew Kennedy Saved the Sandersville Hotel

Andrew William Kennedy was born 4 December 1851 in Georgia. Census records suggest his parents were both born in Pennsylvania. I found an interesting item relating to Mr. Kennedy in the 10 May 1888 Macon Telegraph (Georgia):

How Mr. Andrew Kennedy Saved the Sandersville Hotel.

Mr. Andrew W. Kennedy was seen at the union depot yesterday prior to leaving prior to a trip down the road. His moustache was gone, and his left eyebrow had been nearly singed off. He showed several bad places on his face and arms caused by burns received at the fire of last Friday night which laid so much of Sandersville in ashes.

The fire occurred shortly before twelve o'clock. Mr. Kennedy and his family were in the hotel, and on being aroused he dressed hurriedly and went out. He saw that there was a two-story house between the fire and the hotel, and in order to save the caravansary the flames must be deprived of fuel before reaching it. To do this he thought of blowing up the house. Mr. Pringle, of Sandersville, secured two kegs of powder and these were placed in the building. They had no fuse and they concluded to make a train of powder to be set off. Mr. Kennedy then secured a brand from the burning house next door and threw it into the door of the house to be blown up. On securing the brand he saw that he did not have a moment to spare as the flames were gradually and greedily coming nearer and nearer. He took the torch and threw it into the door. The great volume of smoke that followed the explosion burnt his face and singed his moustache. The hotel was saved at the expense of the building next door.

Andrew has made himself solid with the people of that section for saving the hotel.

It is hoped that he will soon be entirely recovered from his injuries.
Andrew William Kennedy
Dec 4, 1851
July 24, 1920

Mr. Andrew Kennedy rests in Rose Hill Cemetery next to his wife, Meta Agnes Kennedy (1854-1899).

Macon Telegraph (Georgia)
26 July 1920, pg. 9

Funeral services for Andrew W. Kennedy, aged 68 years, who died at the Summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Loyless, at Warm Springs, Saturday, July 24, at 4:15 o'clock, were held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from St. Joseph Catholic Church, Rev. Father W. A. Wilkinson officiating. Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery. The following acted as pallbearers: R. L. McKenney, Harry Wright, M. J. Callaghan, A. D. Daly, E. A. Sheridan and W. P. Bennett.

Mr. Kennedy is survived by the following children, William E., A. M. and I. L. Kennedy, and was a step-father of Mrs. T. W. Loyless.

The local council Knights of Columbus turned out in a body to escort the body to the cemetery.

07 June 2013

Oldest Odd Fellow in Georgia (as of September 1903)

Photo by James Allen


Mr. George Rogers Barker, the oldest Odd Fellow in Georgia, Macon's oldest retail merchant, second oldest Mason of the Central City, and the merchant who received the second shipment of freight via the Central of Georgia railroad, has passed away. The grand old man breathed his last yesterday evening at 7:30 o'clock, surrounded by his immediate family, lodge brothers and friends. When he took his last breath, the life of the best known secret order man in Georgia had crossed the great divide. He was a Northern man of Southern principles. He had a good constitution and always enjoyed good health. He was a man of uncommon mind and through his long business career and during the panics he never had a note to go to protest.

Mr. Barker was 89 years of age, and has been a resident of Macon for fifty-seven years, arriving here during the year 1846.

Mr. Barker was born in Stony Creek, Old Branford Township, Conn., August 16, 1815. He came to Macon at the age of 31 to engage in business. On October 21, 1854, he was married to Mrs. Sarah Abbott Evans, a native Georgian, who survives him. He engaged in the grocery business on Cotton avenue, and conducted it for fifty years, when he sold out his business and retired. He conducted the business on the same site for a half century, and was known throughout the state. Mr. Barker was the second merchant in Macon to receive a shipment of freight over the Central railroad, which was completed soon after he engaged in business.

Mr. Barker is survived by his devoted wife, one son and three daughters, who are Mrs. Walter B. Hill of Athens, Mrs. J. D. Skinner of Atlanta, Mrs. S. D. Smith of Houston county and Mr. George M. Barker. He is also survived by thirteen living grandchildren.

During his forty-nine years of married life there has only been three deaths in the family -- one granddaughter and two grandsons, who died very young.

Mr. Barker has resided at 153 Magnolia street for forty-seven years, and has watched Macon grow from a mere village to one of the prettiest cities of the South.

His ancestors were among the first settlers of Connecticut and served in the Revolutionary period.

Mr. Barker was the oldest Odd Fellow in Georgia, having been a member of one lodge for fifty years. He joined the United Brothers Lodge No. 5 of this city in 1851. He was never suspended, and was a constant member at all times. He was thirty years a charter member of the Macon Union Encampment No. 2. He was also a charter member of Yonah Rebekah Lodge No. 23. He was a charter member of Patriarch Militant Canton, Macon, No. 4. He was grand secretary of the grand lodge for a number of years, and representative to the sovereign grand lodge several times. He was treasurer of the United Brothers Lodge for thirty-two years, and was treasurer at the time of his death. He has been treasurer of Macon Union Encampment since his connection with the lodge.

As an Odd Fellow he had held every office in the subordinate lodge. He was responsible for the Odd Fellows owning the magnificent building on Cherry street. He was one of four of the original purchasers of the site, and was the man who paid the last dollar of the indebtedness.

Mr. Barker was the second oldest Mason in Macon, Mr. George A. Dure having joined one year before. He was a Mason of high standing and was loved by every member of the lodge. He was a member of Macon Lodge No. 5, Constantine Chapter No. 4, Washington Council No. 6, and St. Omer Commandery No. 2. He has held every office from the lowest to the highest in the gift of the Macon lodge. He was worshipful master at one time, and has been treasurer of St. Omer commandery for nearly forty years. He never missed a meeting of the Masons unless he was ill or away from the city. He was one of the prime movers in the erection of the Masonic building on Cotton avenue.

Mr. Barker was a charter member of Central City Lodge No. 3, Knights of Pythias. About two years ago, while descending the stairway of the Pythian Castle, he fell and fractured his hip, which has since confined him to his home. It is said that this fall was to a large degree the cause of his death. During the last few months he recovered from the injury sufficiently to move about by the use of two walking sticks.

About ten days ago he began to show signs of weakening and his condition gradually grew worse until the end came. All hope for his recovery was given up several days ago, and when death came it was not a surprise to those around the bedside.

The funeral arrangements have not been completed, but they will probably occur Monday. He will be buried with Masonic honors, and the different lodges of which he was a member will attend." [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 12 September 1903, pg. 5]

George Rogers Barker was laid to rest the next day ["Mr. Barker Buried With Masonic Honors." Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 14 September 1903, pg. 8]:
The funeral procession from the church to the cemetery was a large one. Nearly two hundred Odd Fellows, Masons and Knights of Pythias were in the procession.

At the grave in Rose Hill cemetery the Knights Templar conducted the funeral services, which is considered the prettiest of all secret orders. It was Mr. Barker's dying request that the Knights Templar conduct his funeral at the grave...

06 June 2013

A Mysterious Ruling of Providence

Photo by James Allen
Mrs. Sarah Barker rests in the Eglantine Square section of Rose Hill Cemetery. According to a news article, TWO SISTERS, IN DEATH, SLEEPING SIDE BY SIDE [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 17 May 1906, pg. 1], her sister rests beside her. Unfortunately, it seems the grave of Sarah's sister (Mrs. Marian S. Kimbrough) is unmarked. There is mention of a Mrs. Mary Kimbrough in the Rose Hill Cemetery database online, but the specific burial whereabouts are unknown...


Mrs. Marian S. Kimbrough Passed Away in Alamaba
[sic] and Mrs. Sarah A. Barker in Houston County, Ga. Both Buried in Macon Today.

Within six hours, two of the oldest and most beloved former residents of Macon, both sisters, passed away yesterday morning, one shortly after midnight, the other at 6 o'clock in the morning.

First, Mrs. Marian S. Kimbrough passed away at her home in Opelika, Ala. Mrs. Kimbrough was the mother of R. H. Nesbit, a prominent citizen of Knoxville, Tenn. She died at midnight Monday.

Six hours later, Mrs. Sarah A. Barker, widow of the late George R. Barker, succumbed, after lingering between life and death for several weeks. The latter's death was due to the result of a fall sustained three weeks ago. She died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. D. Smith, in Houston county.

Both of these aged women formerly lived in Macon. They lived together, died on the same day, and their bodies will be interred side by side in Rose Hill cemetery today.

The body of Mrs. Kimbrough arrived in the city at an early hour this morning. The funeral services were conducted in Opelika, Ala., yesterday. The committal services will be conducted at the grave at Rose Hill cemetery at 10 o'clock this morning.

The funeral of Mrs. Barker will be conducted at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the home of her friend, Mrs. George Wright, 140 Magnolia street. The interment will also be in Rose Hill cemetery.

Mrs. Barker was born in Jefferson County, November 25, 1826. Her family moved here when she was aged one year. She lived in Macon until the death of her husband two and a half years ago, after which she made her home with her children. Mrs. Barker, therefore, lived in Macon over 75 years.

She is survived by four children: Mrs. Walter B. Hill, widow of the late lamented chancellor of the University of Georgia; Mrs. J. M. Skinner of Atlanta; Mrs. S. D. Smith, of Houston County, and George M. Barker, of Atlanta.

Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Kimbrough were the most devoted of sisters. It was one of the mysterious rulings of providence that both should die within the same day, in just a few hours of each other.

Both were women of the purest of characters and the most kindly and charitable of natures. The death of each filled hundreds of homes in Macon and else where in deep sorrow, and that of both in such a short length of time has prostrated the families and friends in the deepest of grief and mourning." [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 16 May 1906, pg. 3]

29 May 2013

It's Wedding Wednesday, but Did She Get the Divorce?

James W. Gary [sic] & Mary E. Hines Record of Marriage Dated
6 October 1858 in Bibb County, Georgia
[FamilySearch.org:  Georgia Marriages, 1808-1967]

Mary appears to be petitioning for a divorce less than four years later.
[Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 2 July 1862, pg. 4] 

Still a GEARY, but no sign of James in the surrounding lot.

Mary E. Geary
Aug. 1830
Feb. 1888

Rose Hill Cemetery
Macon, Bibb County, Georgia
[Photo by James Allen]

19 May 2013

Henry's Heart Stopped on Christmas Day

Photo by James Allen
"Attended by a large number of friends and acquaintances, the funeral of Henry H. Hart, whose death occurred Wednesday night, was held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from St. Joseph's Catholic church, Rev. Father Madden officiating. Many large and beautiful floral offerings evidenced the high esteem in which he had been held by his friends. Interment followed at Rose Hill cemetery." [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 27 December 1912, pg. 7]

10 May 2013

Hazel was Sick for but a Very Short While

Photo by James Allen
Macon Telegraph (Georgia)
23 Janury 1904, pg. 8

Was Niece of Mrs. S. H. Singleton.
Funeral Arrangements to Be Announced Later.

Mrs. S. H. Singleton received a telegram yesterday evening from McRae, stating that her niece, Miss Hazel Marguis, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Marguis has died from typhoid fever.

Miss Marguis had been sick for but a very short while when the dread disease claimed her among its many victims.

She was 17 years of age. The deceased has visited here and has many friends in this city. It is thought that the remains will be brought here for interment; although the full arrangements are not yet completed. Should this be the case the burial will take place some time tomorrow.
Tampa Tribune (Florida)
28 January 1904, pg. 7
Miss Hazel Marquis Dead.
A telegram to her relatives in this city brings the sad intelligence that Miss Hazel Marquis died at her home in McRae, Ga., last Saturday. She was about 18 years of age, and was a daughter of W. R. Marquis, a brother of T. L. Marquis, of Bartow.

09 May 2013

Faithful is the Word

William G. White
Born Aug 12, 1841
Died Jan 22, 1885
One Word Tells The Story Of His Life
Husband. Father.
Husband of Annie Amos White (1842-1929)
who rests beside him in Rose Hill Cemetery.

08 May 2013

Death and Funeral of Mrs. J. B. DeVries

Photo by James Allen


The funeral services of Mrs. Juliet Benton DeVries was held yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock from Christ Episcopal church. The services were conducted by Rev. Charles H. Lee, rector of St. Pauls Episcopal church, and the interment was in Rose Hill cemetery. The following acted as pallbearers: Ralph Birdsey, Judge C. L. Bartlett, Will Harrold, J. Ross Bowdre, George M. Wicker and R. K. Hines.

Mrs. DeVries was for many years one of the leading workers of Christ Episcopal church in this city. She was a sister of Mrs. L. E. Mallery, matron of the Julia P. Jones Home, with who she resided, and of Mrs. Robert Findlay, of this city. [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 7 August 1918, pg. 4]

04 May 2013

His Name Silent Upon Our Roll

Here is a portion of an eloquently written correspondence about Amos Benton, of yesterday's post, from the Bibb Cavalry headquarters at Camp Jackson in Savannah, Georgia. It's dated 23 January 1862, and was published in the Macon Telegraph a couple of days later.
Death has for the first time invaded our ranks and taken from us in the person of Amos Benton, a comrade in arms, whom we loved and respected. A companion whose sympathy and aid, was freely extended to the distressed. Social in his intercourse, frank in his manner, fair and honorable in his dealings he was well fitted to rivet more closely, the cords of friendship which binds the soldier's heart. Though longpassed [sic] the prime of youth, though the frosts of many winters had whitened his locks, and age had seemingly unfitted him for the active duties of a soldier; yet when his country called, and Georgia's standard floated to the breeze, in defiance of Northern oppression; he rallied to the call, and side by side with her protectors, he marched to her defence, bearing with cheerfulness, the toils, fatigues and cares, of a camp life, his whole efforts were directed to advance the interest and promote the comfort of the corps to which he was attached. But a few days since we beheld him among us, in health and vigor, and ere we could realize that he was seriously ill, death had claimed him for his own, and had born him to the silent tomb. Though his place shall be vacant in our ranks and his name silent upon our roll, yet we submissively bow to the will of Him whom, "whatsoever He doeth, He doeth well."

03 May 2013

Amos Benton: Peace to His Ashes

The remains of Amos Benton, Esq., were escorted to Rose Hill Cemetery, yesterday, by a portion of the officers and members of Macon Masonic Lodge, Companies B, Floyd Rifles and Macon Volunteers, and a large concourse of citizens. He had resided in this city for many years, and was suddenly stricken down while in his country's service as a member of the Bibb Cavalry. Peace to his ashes." [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 22 January 1862, pg. 1]

Photo by James Allen

Amos was the father of Clarissa Benton Jessop and Mary Benton Findlay, both before mentioned on this blog.

Amos Benton was born in Connecticut according to the 1860 Bibb County, Georgia federal census. He is also mentioned in Volume 1 of Families of Early Guilford, Connecticut as a son of Ambrose Benton and Mary Evarts. Amos married Ann Beall Owens 10 February 1831, and they had the following children: William Augustus (b. 1837), Mary Ann (b. 1839), Julietta (b. 1844), Ellen Louisa (b. 1846), and Clarissa Augusta (b. 1852).

02 May 2013

Double Bereavement for Mrs. Robert Findlay

Resting not far from Clarissa Benton Jessop is her sister, Mary Benton Findlay. In the fall of 1913, Mrs. Findlay had to endure a turbulent season of life:

While the body of her daughter, Mrs. Richard L. Edwards, whose death occurred at Manchester Friday, lay at the home of Mrs. Wilson Edwards last night awaiting the arrival of relatives for the funeral that will take place today, Mrs. Robert Findlay, 109 Heard street, received a message of the death late yesterday afternoon of her sister, Mrs. Alfred Jessop, at Columbus. Mrs. Findlay is also critically ill.

Mrs. Jessop was for many years a resident of Macon, and her husband was in business here. She is survived by her husband and three daughters, Misses Edna and Edith Jessop, all of Columbus; and three sisters, Mrs. Robert Findlay, Mrs. Juliette DeVires and Mrs. L. C. Mallary, all of Macon.

The body will be brought to Macon, arriving here this afternoon at 4:50 o'clock over the Central of Georgia railway. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock from Christ Episcopal church, Rev. John S. Bunting, the rector, officiating. Interment will follow at Rose Hill cemetery." [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 24 November 1913, pg. 6 -- Digital image viewed online at GenealogyBank.]
Mrs. Findlay's condition must have downgraded at least a bit from critical, as she lived about another eight years before joining her sister in Rose Hill Cemetery.

Cropped from a James Allen original.

Book about the Robert Findlay Iron Works in Macon:

01 May 2013

Lizzie is Clarissa, One of Macon's Fairest Flowers

Photo by James Allen
When researching bits and pieces of the life of yesterday's subject, I uncovered what I think is an interesting note. Whenever I see the nickname of "Lizzie," I usually first think it short for the name Elizabeth. In this instance, I would be way off. Here, Lizzie = Clarissa.

Macon Telegraph (Georgia)
10 June 1880, pg. 4
Marriage on Walnut Street.
Last evening, at the residence of Dr. Roosevelt, on Walnut street, the Rev. Otis A. Glazebrook officiating, Miss Lizzie Benton, was married to Alfred Jessop, Esq., of York, Penn. The bride is one of Macon's fairest flowers, daughter of Amos Benton, Esq., the groom a member of the firm of Jessop & Smith, of this city, manager of A. B. Farquhar's Southern Depot, Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, a young man of fine business and social qualities, who, since his residence in this city, has won for himself a host of friends. May prosperity and happiness follow them through life.

30 April 2013

Death and Funeral of Mrs. Alfred Jessop (Tombstone Tuesday)

Photo by James Allen
I always like to note when someone's final resting place is different from their location at death. In this instance, the distance between the two isn't awful far, but still worthy of a highlight. There is also a slight discrepancy in the death date, given the dates of the newspaper articles, as well as the inscription on her ledger marker in Rose Hill Cemetery. Did Mrs. Jessop pass away Monday, November 24th, or Sunday, November 23rd? I'm leaning toward the latter.

Columbus Daily Enquirer (Georgia)
Tuesday, 25 November 1913, pg. 1

Funeral Held Monday at Noon and Body Was Carried to Macon for Interment.

Mrs. Alfred Jessop died early yesterday morning at her home, 1531 Fourth avenue. At the time of her death Mrs. Jessop was 61 years old and been suffering for some time with a complication of troubles. Although she had been able to be out a few days at a time, she had not been well for something over a year and [her death was ex?]pected.

The funeral services were conducted yesterday at noon from her former home and the body was carried to Macon for interment. Rev. S. A. Wragg conducted the services and the following acted as pallbearers: Messrs. H. E. Struppa, M. A. Coopk [sic], J. A. Beard, E. H. Waddell, W. L. Williams, and Prof. R. D. Daniels.

She is survived by her husband and three daughters, Mrs. A. D. Allen and the Misses Edith and Edna Jessop of this city.

Mrs. Jessop had a host of friends in this city who will mourn her untimely death.
Macon Telegraph (Georgia)
Tuesday, 25 November 1913, pg. 10


The funeral of Mrs. Alfred Jessop, a former Macon woman, who died at her late home in Columbus, Sunday, will be held this morning at 11 o'clock from Christ Episcopal church. Rev. John S. Bunting, the rector, officiating. Interment will follow at Rose Hill cemetery. The body of Mrs. Jessop was brought to Macon yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock from Columbus.

At 11 o'clock this morning, from Christ Episcopal church, will occur the funeral of Mrs. Alfred Jessop, of Columbus, Ga. Mrs. Jessop was before her marriage Clarissa Augusta Benton, of this city, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Benton, who were pioneer citizens of Macon and prominently connected with its early history. Mr. and Mrs. Jessop were married in 1880, and for some time made their home in Macon, later moving to Columbus. The deceased was at the time of her death 61 years old. Besides her husband, she leaves three daughters, Misses Edna and Edith Jessop and Mrs. Aubrey Allen, all of Columbus, and three sisters, Mrs. Robert Findlay, Mrs. Juliette DeVries and Mrs. L. E. Mallery, all of this city.

24 April 2013

He Is Slightly Better (but He Died a Few Days Later)

E. C. Granniss Family Plot
Rose Hill Cemetery, Macon, Georgia
Photo © 2009-2013 S. Lincecum
Ebenezer C. Granniss was born 21 February 1817 at East Haven, Connecticut. During his 73rd year, E. C. became gravely ill with influenza...

Judge Granniss Critically Ill But Thought to be Improving.

Judge E. C. Granniss is still quite low with influenza, but his physician, Dr. K. P. Moore, reported a slight change for the better in his condition last night.

His son, Dr. Horace M. Granniss, who now resides in Orlando, Fla., arrived in Macon on the East Tennessee road at 4:30 o'clock yesterday evening in response to a telegram sent the day before. He was almost ill himself with a chronic headache, which was by no means helped by the long night ride and the anxiety felt for his father's condition. Dr. Granniss has been absent from Macon for many years, although he has occasionally visited the city since making his home in Florida. He was much surprised at the great growth made by the city since he was here last.

Judge Granniss has been a citizen of Macon for forty-three years, during which time he has lived in the same comfortable home on Oak street which he now occupies. He has hosts of friends here who sincerely hope for his early recovery. [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 22 February 1890, pg. 6]
...but he did not recover and died a few days later on 25 February 1890. He and his family rest in the Eglantine Square Section of Rose Hill Cemetery.

18 April 2013

Brave Confederate Peter Bracken Dead

From Wikimedia
Just a short seven months before the death of Anthony Murphy, the last known Confederate survivor of those involved in the Great Locomotive Chase of 1862, the grim reaper came calling for Peter Bracken. He rests in Rose Hill Cemetery, near the Oak Ridge section.

He Was a Locomotive Engineer and Took a Prominent Part in the Capture of the Famous "General" -- Born in Philadelphia and Came to Macon When a Young Man.

There died in Macon yesterday a quiet, unassuming man, who had played a prominent part in the closing days of the Confederacy.

This was Mr. Peter J. Bracken, one of Macon's oldest locomotive engineers, and a man always and universally respected by the people. He was an engineer on the old Macon & Western railroad between Macon and Atlanta, when Mr. W. A. Huff was the conductor of the train. Between the two men there has been always the strongest ties of friendship, and the news of his death will be read by Mr. Huff this morning with genuine sorrow.

Mr. Bracken took a prominent part in the capture of the famous "General," the old wood-burning locomotive that is still preserved because of the great raid that was one of the important events of the closing scenes of the war. As he was so closely connected with the raid a brief recital of the main facts will not be out of place in this announcement of his death.

On the morning of April 12, Capt. W. A. Fuller left Atlanta in charge of the passenger train on the Western and Atlantic railroad. When he reached Marietta a party of strangers, dressed in citizens' clothes, boarded the train and paid their fares to different points. They claimed to be refugees from the federal lines joining the Confederate army, but were disguised soldiers, volunteers from Sill's brigade, Mitchell's corps, U. S. A., commanded by James J. Andrews.

At Big Shanty [Kennesaw] the train stopped for breakfast, and most of the passengers and train crew left the train. The passengers had taken their seats at the table, Capt. Fuller facing the train. He saw through the window some strangers get on the engine in an excited manner and start off rapidly. He remarked to his engineer, Jeff Cain, and Anthony Murphy, then foreman of the Western and Atlantic shops, that "some one who has no right to do so has gone off with our train." All three arose and hurried out of the house, just as the engine passed out of sight.

Capt. Fuller, Murphy and Cain commenced pursuit on foot. They soon secured a hand car and, in spite of the obstructions placed on the track by the raiders, made rapid progress. At Etowah they found the engine "Yonah" and the pursuit then was at such a rapid pace that serious damage to the railroad by the raiders was impossible.

The "General" was abandoned by the raiders at a point about half way between Ringgold and Graysville, on account of lack of fuel and the close pursuit of Fuller and his party. When the fugitives abandoned the engine their leader said, "everyone take care of himself," and they left in squads. Four of them were run down in the fork of the Chickamauga river at Graysville, and one was forcibly persuaded to tell where they were. Later there was a trial by military court, and eight of the number were executed in Atlanta as spies, six were paroled at City Point, Va., and eight escaped from prison at Atlanta...

...Prominent among the pursuers were -- Smith, Steve Stokely, Peter Bracken, engineer; Fleming Cox, fireman; Alonzo Martin, wood-passer, and H. Haney.

The Southern Confederacy, published in Atlanta at the time, said: "Peter Bracken, the engineer on the freight train, ran his engine fifty and a half miles -- two of them backing the whole freight train up to Adairsville -- made twelve stops, coupled to two cars dropped by the fugitives, and switched them off on sidings in one hour and five minutes. Capt. Fuller fully corroborates the invaluable service rendered by the veteran Bracken."

...The survivors of the Andrews' Raiders have erected a monument to their fallen comrades, and it stands today in the National cemetery at Chattanooga...

Mr. Bracken was in his seventy-sixth year. He was born in Philadelphia and came to Macon when he was quite a young man. He is survived by three daughters and two sons: Mrs. F. C. Benson, Mrs. Charles B. Smith, Mrs. A. [G?] James, Desoto; W. P. Bracken, Arkansas, and J. W. Bracken, Lakeland, Fla.

The funeral will take place this afternoon at 5 o'clock, from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Charles B. Smith, 208 High street. Revs. W. H. Rudd and T. W. Callaway will officiate. [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 27 May 1909, pg. 7]
Peter James Bracken
Born Oct. 31, 1833 Philadelphia, PA.
Died May 26, 1909 Macon, GA.
Engineer of the Locomotive Texas During the
Great Locomotive Chase on the Western &
Atlantic Railroad April 12, 1862

Rose Hill Cemetery, Macon, Georgia
Photo © 2010-2013 S. Lincecum

According to AndrewsRaid.com, Bracken was originally buried in an unmarked grave. The granite marker above was erected and dedicated in 1971.

To add a bit of specificity to the article above, Peter Bracken joined the chase at Adairsville, GA as the engineer of the Texas locomotive. A map of the chase is here. The detailed engraving of Bracken's Texas engine is at the top of his tombstone.

Photo © 2010-2013 S. Lincecum

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