27 May 2009

Capt. Dure, an Honorable & Hospitable Southern Gentleman

George A. Dure
Aug 6, 1832
Mar 18, 1908
Cabiness Ridge, Rose Hill Cemetery
Macon, Georgia

George Augustus Dure was born in Savannah, Georgia to French parents. His mother, Mrs. Adrienne Baulard Dure (who at one time owned lot no. 6 in square 37 on Cherry St.) is also buried in Rose Hill Cemetery.

George married Julia Kendrick 22 December 1857 in Hancock County, Georgia. Julia was a sister of George's first wife, Cornelia Kendrick, whom he married in 1852 in Bibb County. George and Julia had nine children, all of which are profiled in the post, Julia Kendrick Dure Part of a Historical Southern Family.

During the Civil War, George was made a captain of the Jackson Artillery Regiment, Georgia Volunteers. A news article written about the Jackson Artillery was a post on the Southern Graves blog.

George's occupation is somewhat of a mystery. He seems to have been financially secure, and is often stated in the newspapers as being a businessman. In the 1860 US Federal census for Macon, Bibb County, Georgia, his occupation was listed as Railroad Treasurer. In the 1870 US Federal census for Brunswick, Glynn County, GA, his occupation was listed as News Dealer. And in 1900, again in Macon, GA, his occupation was furniture house bookkeeper.

An article in the Macon Weekly Telegraph, 1 December 1912 edition, entitled "Macon in 1869," states:
The only wood dealer mentioned is Capt. George A. Dure, father of Leon S. Dure, who had an extensive wood-yard and lumber plant opposite the old Macon & Brunswick depot, near where the Acme brewery is now.
In fact, George Dure was very active in his community. A search of the Georgia Historical Newspapers Database at GenealogyBank reveals over 100 entries for Mr. George Dure. Mr. Dure, just to mention a few items,
- was elected recording secretary of the St. Omer Commandery of Knights of Templar;
- was named registrar for at least one municipal election;
- ran for City Marshall;
- was appointed jury commissioner;
- was elected city assessor;
- was elected secretary of the Royal Arch Masons;
- was appointed temporary chairman of the Board of Health;
- lost his home to a fire;
- was elected to the board of directors for a public library; and
- was a member of a board of trade committee.

A couple of obituaries for Captain George Augustus Dure probably portray him best:

Atlanta Constitution, 19 March 1908
from Historical Newspapers, Birth, Marriage, & Death Announcements, 1851-2003
Was One of Macon's Oldest & Most Highly Respected Citizens

Brown House, Macon, Ga., March 18 - (Special.) - George A. Dure, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of the community, answered death's summons shortly after 4 o'clock this morning. He had been in declining health for several months and recently suffered a severe setback on account of grip. Members of his family were at his bedside when death came. Many citizens who have long known him were saddened at the announcement of his death.

He was 75 years of age, a Confederate veteran and a Mason, having served Macon lodge No. 5 for many years as secretary and treasurer. He was identified with many business enterprises in the community and spent the greater portion of his active life here. He is survived by a wife and one son, Leon S. Dure, and 4 daughters, Miss Nela, Mrs. Frank A. Coburn, Mrs. Emma Cherry, Mrs. Harry Ferell, of Memphis. The funeral will be conducted at the family home on Orange street tomorrow afternoon by Rev. Mr. Frasier, of Christ Church. The remains will be laid to rest in Rose Hill Cemetery.
Macon Weekly Telegraph, 19 March 1908
Deaths & Funerals

Death claimed another of the old guards yesterday morning at 4 o'clock...

Capt. Dure has been a familiar figure in Macon for many years. He belonged to the old school of Southern gentlemen with who honor and hospitality when hand in hand, whose laws were always and under all circumstances strictly obeyed - Loved, honored, and respected they were, they were the types of Southern citizens now fast passing away.

Capt. Dure was born in Savannah on August 6th, 1832, and came to Macon in 1846. His first work in Macon was in the old Journal & Messenger office then owned by the late Simri Rose... He then became connected with the Central Railroad in a clerical way and was promoted rapidly, finally reaching the treasurership...

When war was declared Capt. Dure organized the Jackson Artillery and was made captain. The company was hurried to St. Simon's Island as a part of the coast defense, but the danger shifted to the mountains, the company was sent to Tennessee.

In the meantime the State had possession of the Old Macon & Brunswick Railroad and Gov. Brown made requisition for Capt. Dure and he was placed in charge of that road, holding the position of superintendent from 1862 to 1868.

...He was prominent in Masonry and other secret orders.
Click Here for a Video of the Geo. A. Dure Family Plot.

21 May 2009

No Man Valued Friendship More Than Capt. Billy Davis

William A. Davis (4 April 1847 - 19 January 1907) was buried in the Hawthorne Ridge section of Rose Hill Cemetery. Here is an obituary and a sketch of his life:

Macon Weekly Telegraph
20 January 1907
Prominent as Mason, Citizen and Business Man for Many Years
Funeral Services to Be Held Monday
Capt. W. A. Davis died early yesterday morning at his residence on Orange street.

This brief announcement tells of the death of one of the best beloved and foremost men of Macon. Known to everybody, a familiar figure on the street, always courteous, always with a cheery word, as readily approached by the humblest as by the richest, and a friend to all, there was a pathos in the voice that passed the word from one to another yesterday that Captain Billy Davis was dead.

It was known that he had been sick for ten days or more because one so familiar and well known would be missed, but the inquiries after his health elicited no answers that conveyed any intimation that his sickness was of a serious nature. Thus the news yesterday came as a shock to the people, and to those who were close to him it brought a moisture to the eye.

It now develops that a cold contracted last summer laid the foundation for the illness that resulted fatally. The sickness following the cold left him weak, but in spite of this he plunged into his business with the same vim and determination he had always used. The strain was too great. The strength of the younger man had been diminished, and he succumbed.

It was not until after midnight did the family feel alarmed. It was then that the physician saw the end was near, and all that skill or tender nursing could do was of no avail.

Capt. Davis was a native of Bibb County. He was born on a farm eight miles from the city, near Strong creek, April 4, 1846, where his boyhood was spent. He attended school in Jeffersonville, but in 1863, at the age of sixteen years, he felt as if his services were needed by the Confederacy and at that early age he enlisted, becoming a member of Company B of the Second Georgia Cavalry. Later he was promoted to a sergeantcy and held that position until the surrender. His comrades in arms speak of him as being a model soldier.

Anxious for an education, he took up his studies at Allentown, in Twiggs County, under one of the old time educators, James E. Crossland. Later he returned to the farm to take charge of his father's affairs.

It was about this time that he first entered politics. Elected to represent Twiggs County in the General Assembly, he served with distinction on several important committees, and, as in after years, he was always looking after the interest of the public. To his efforts, perhaps more than to those of any other man, is due the location of the agricultural college at Dahlonega.

Later on, on becoming a citizen of Macon, Capt. Davis represented Bibb County in the Legislature. He was a member of the last House, and his work there was that of an able and fearless representative.

For six years he served as an Alderman for the city, four years of which he held the position of Mayor pro tem. While in Council he was alive to the city's progress and interests, and the records show that his services were valuable, and that by voice and deed he did his part in the upbuilding of the city of his adoption. For many years he was a road commissioner of the county.

It was in 1880 that he settled in Macon. Some few years later he engaged in the cotton business, first with M. C. Balkcom, and later in the firm known so long throughout this section as W. A. Davis & Co. In addition Mr. Davis had held many positions among the commercial institutions of the city.

The great pleasure of Capt. Davis was his fraternal connections. In Masonry he was a shining light. He had filled the chairs from worshipful master to grand master, and in the chapter, being a past priest of Constantine Chapter of Royal Arch Masons; past eminent commander of St. Omer Commandery, Knights Templar, and grand senior warden of the grand lodge.

He was also a member and past officer in the Odd Fellows, the Elks and the Eagles.

To him is due as much as to any other Mason, the location of the Masonic Home at Macon. To him is due in a large measure the establishment of the Georgia Industrial Home.

Of his fraternal affiliations, one of his friends says:
"No man valued friendship more than Capt. Davis. He loved the fraternal ties that bound men together in one great brotherhood, and if the obligations that men take in fraternal organizations would permit, it would be known to what extent that his voice has been heard time and time again in the earnest advocacy of brotherly love, peace among men and charity for all. In his daily life, even when absorbed by business cares and worries, no man in distress ever applied to him in vain, to my knowledge. Scarcely a day passed that he was not seeking to find employment or in some way relieving the distress of the unfortunate."

It was in 1868 that Capt. Davis married Miss Mary R. Summers. Of this union there were four children, Hattie, Edwin, Mabel and Gussie, the last named died several years ago.

The father of Capt. Davis was Elisha Davis, or sturdy stock, who had in his day served his people in the General Assembly. He died in 1866 on his farm near Macon, at the age of sixty-one.

The funeral services will be held at his late residence, 369 Orange street, Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. T. W. Callaway, of the First Baptist Church.

The interment will take place in Rose Hill Cemetery. The following have been selected as pallbearers: Col. C. M. Wiley, R. H. Smith, C. E. Damour, Judge Robert Hodges, George A. Dure, W. H. Snowden, E. T. Holmes, R. J. Anderson.

About 12 years before his death, a biographical sketch of William's life to that point was published by the Southern Historical Association.

From Memoirs of Georgia, Volume II (1895).
Transcribed by S. Lincecum about 2006.
William A. Davis, one of the most prominent business men in Bibb county, was born on a farm eight miles east of Macon, Ga, April 4, 1847, living there until he was thirty years of age. He studied at Jeffersonville, Twiggs Co., Ga, in the years 1861-2-3. In 1863, though but sixteen years old, he entered the Confederate service, enlisting in Company B, Second Georgia battalion of cavalry, as a private, and later was made orderly sergeant, serving as such until the surrender. He fought in the battles of Chickamauga and Griswoldville, participated in many skirmishes, and left the service with an enviable record. After the cessation of hostilities he resumed his studies at the academy of Allentown, Twiggs Co., of which James E. Croslin, an educator of reputation, was principal, and then returned to his home in Bibb county, being called there by the death of his father. He managed the homestead from 1866 to 1877, during which period he was elected to represent Twiggs county on the general assembly, and during the session served with distinction on the committees on agriculture, public institutions and other matters before the legislature. A majority of his fellow-members not favoring the permanent institution of the college at Dahlonega, a bill to that end was defeated, but Mr. Davis secured a reconsideration and succeeded to having the bill passed, to which fact the agricultural college at that point now owes its existence, and for which service he received unstinted praise. Entering municipal as well as state politics Mr. Davis has been elected alderman from three different wards of the city of Macon -- serving six years in all in the city council -- and for four years of that time he acted as mayor pro tem. He has also been road commissioner from his district for several years. In 1880 he came to Macon and five years later, in company with M. C. Balcomb, engaged in the business of handling cotton, the style of the firm being Davis & Balcomb. The firm existed until 1890, when it was re-arranged under the title of W. A. Davis & Co., and now continues as such. For years Mr. Davis was a director of the Merchants' National bank of Macon, which went into voluntary liquidation in 1893. He is now vice-president and director of the Guarantee company of Macon, and has interests in various other business enterprises. He is a thirty-second degree Mason and a Mystic Shriner. He has held all the principal offices in the subordinate lodges, to-wit, past master of Macon lodge, No. 5, F. & A. M.; past high priest of Constantine chapter, Royal Arch Masons; past eminent commander of the St. Omar commandery, Knights Templars, and he is at this time grand senior warden of the grand lodge of the state. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Encampment, having held all the chairs and being at present district deputy grand master. He is past noble grand of the United Brother's lodge, I. O. O. F., and past chief patriarch of the Encampment. He is, as well, a Knight of Pythias. He affiliates with Baptist church, and, while living on his farm, was for many years a deacon of the local church. In 1868 Mr. Davis married Mary R., daughter of J. W. and Susan (Barlow) Summers; they have four children, Hattie B., Edwin, Mabel C. and Gussie M. Edwin is a graduate of Mercer university, Macon. Mr. Davis' father was Elisha Davis, a native of Burke county, Ga, who was several times elected to the general assembly. He was a jurist and served on the bench of the inferior court of Bibb county for many years. He died in 1866 at the age of sixty-one. Two of his sons, in addition to William A., served in the late war. John N. was in the Bibb county cavalry and with the western army almost all the time that army was in the field. Gilbert M. enlisted in Hampton's brigade as a private, saw service during the entire war period, and was mustered out when in command of his company. Elisha Davis' father was John Davis, a Virginian by birth and the son of John Davis, a Welshman, who emigrated from Wales to Virginia and was killed in the revolution at the battle of Brandywine. William A. Davis has won his way in life by force of individuality and honest determination to succeed, using his great natural abilities to the best advantage; and as a public-spirited citizen has won a host of friends in social, business and political circles.


20 May 2009

Relics of the Jackson Artillery on Southern Graves

I just transcribed and published on the Southern Graves blog an 1892 article from the Macon Weekly Telegraph - Relics of the Jackson Artillery. It is an article about a painting by a daughter of a Confederate soldier. Several individuals named in the article are buried in Rose Hill Cemetery.

14 May 2009

Julia Kendrick Dure Part of a Historical Southern Family

Julia Kendrick Dure (1836-1929) was laid to rest in the Cabiness Ridge section of Rose Hill Cemetery, next to her husband in the DURE Family Plot.

Julia, born 16 September 1836 in Wilkes County, Georgia, was the daughter of John Bull Kendrick and Sarah Ann Powell. On the 22nd of December 1857, Julia married George Augustus Dure in Hancock County, Georgia. Julia and George had nine children. Three of them died young, and Julia was at the bedside of George Powell Dure, her eldest son, when he passed away in 1902. Six years later, Julia buried her husband of fifty years.

Julia and George spent most of their lives together in Macon, Bibb County, Georgia. They did spend some time in Brunswick, Georgia, as they are found there in the 1870 US Federal census. Oftentimes, other family members would be listed with Julia and George in the census entries. This shows a close-knit family with an always welcoming parents' household.

Julia died in Macon, Bibb County, Georgia on the 5th of January 1929.

The Kendrick family is profiled in John Bennett Boddie's book,
Historical Southern Families, Volume I
(1957), on pages 136 and 137:

John Bull Kendrick, son of Jones and Susan (Bull) Kendrick, was b. 22 July 1812 in Wilkes County, GA, and d. after 1880, probably in Columbia County, GA, where he was living with his son Zachariah in that year. John Bull Kendrick married (1) 23 June 1831 in Wilkes County, GA Sarah Ann Powell (b. 4 July 1818, d. 24 November 1844 in Wilkes County), daughter of his stepmother, Nancy M. Kendrick, by her second husband, Nelson Powell. John B. Kendrick married (2) about 1848 his second cousin, Mrs. Sarah Maria (Harrison) Patton, daughter of William and Susan (Kendrick) Harrison and granddaughter of Benjamin Kendrick, his uncle. By her he had one son, William Harrison Kendrick, b. 1849, killed by lightning while on his wedding trip at age 22. After the second marriage John B. Kendrick married (3) Charlotte Wright of Union Springs, AL; (4) a lady in Mobile, AL, by whom he had one daughter who married Mr. Dandy; and (5) he married again in New Orleans. It has been reported the daughter born of the 4th marriage was named Lilias. The children of John B. Kendrick by his first wife Sarah Ann Powell, were:

I. Zachariah Kendrick, b. 1832, living in Columbia County, GA in census of 1880, with wife Amanda (b. 1838), and children: Ora (b. 1859), Cephas (b. 1862), Phoison (b. 1865), James (b. 1866), Georgia (b. 1871), and Allison (b. 1874).
II. Cornelia Kendrick, b. about 1833, married as his 1st wife Capt. George Augustus Dure, no issue.
III. Julia Kendrick, b. 1835-6, d. 1929 Macon, GA, married 22 December 1857 as his 2nd wife Capt. George Augustus Dure (b. 1832 Savannah, GA, d. 1908 Macon, GA); issue:
----1. Cornelia Dure
----2. Anna Dure m. Frank Coburn
----3. George Powell Dure
----4. Emma Dure
----5. Lily Dure
----6. Leon Sebring Dure, b. 8 October 1874 in Brunswick, GA, d. 10 January 1948 Macon, GA, m. 26 Jul 1906 Kathleen McGregor (b. 6 Jun 1886), and had 2 children:
---------(1) Leon Sebring Dure, Jr., Major, 2nd World War, Burma Theatre, Bronze Star, b. 27 Jun 1907 Macon, m. 15 Jan 1928 Katherine MacKean (b. 1 May 1908 Macon), and has 2 sons: (a) Leon Sebring Dure, III, and (b) Kendrick Dure, b. 7 Aug 1938 Richmond, VA; and
---------(2) Mary Dure, b. 3 Apr 1909 Macon, GA, m. 15 Jun 1925 Buford Sanford Birdsey (Lt. U.S.N., 2nd World War, citation, b. 1 May 1906 Macon), and has one son, Buford Sanford Birdsey, Jr.
----7. William Dure d. young
----8. Julia Dure d. young
----9. Jasper Dure d. young
IV. Ann Marshall Kendrick, b. 1838 Wilkes County, GA, d.s.p.
V. Lucius Franklin Kendrick, b. 1841, living in Columbia County, GA, census of 1880, served in Confederate Army and lost an arm, married about 1870 Mary Elizabeth Marshall and had issue:
----1. John P. Kendrick, b. 1872
----2. Naomi A. Kendrick, b. 1875
----3. Leila B. Kendrick, b. 1877
----4. Martha Ray Kendrick, b. 1879
----5. Julia Kendrick m. Mr. Luck and lived at Grovetown, GA
VI. Susan Kendrick, b. 15 Nov 1844, died at birth, buried with mother.

09 May 2009

Obediah F. Adams Requested that His Face be Turned Towards His Wife

While searching for information about another Rose Hill Cemetery interment, George P. Dure, I came across this obituary (viewed online at Ancestry) for Obediah F. Adams. It's interesting, and I'm sure I'll add more information for Capt. Adams as I uncover it. He was laid to rest in the Magnolia Ridge section of the cemetery.

Image by James Allen
The Atlanta Constitution, 7 April 1890

He Passed Away Quietly at 7 o'clock Yesterday Morning -- Killed By Remorse -- The Funeral

Macon, Ga., April 6 -- [Special] -- Captain Adams is dead. Surrounded by his family and friends he passed away quietly at 7 o'clock this morning. For several days he has been at death's door and the announcement this morning caused no surprise.

Captain Adams's death is plainly the result of remorse. For several months he has remained at his home, shutting himself out from the world and seemingly anxious for death to relieve him of his troubles. Captain Adams was treasurer of Macon from 1880 until December 1888.

The circumstances surrounding his removal have been fully given in The Constitution, and their rehearsal, since death has drawn the curtain over his life, is unnecessary.

Whatever may have been his actions in the past, he had the sympathy of almost the entire city in his last days. His funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. He will be buried by the side of his wife and son in Rose Hill cemetery. Before death he requested that his face be turned towards his wife. The casket is one of the handsomest that could be procured. It is metal[l]ic with an elegant black broadcloth covering and trimmed in silver. On the silver plate is the inscription "Obediah F. Adams, Born November 24th, 1826, Died April 6th, 1890, He rests in peace."

The following gentlemen have been requested to act as pall bearers:
W. A. Huff, Tom Hendrix, T. J. Carling, George B. Turpin, George A. Dure, John D. Dentz, M. J. Hatcher, T. S. Massenburg, W. E. Harris, Robert Brown.

Mr. Adams, it is stated, carried insurance on his life to the amount of $20,000.

Mr. Adams was born in Twiggs county on November 24, 1826. His father was Daniel Adams formerly of Rowan county, N.C. The deceased attended Mercer college in 1846 and after leaving taught school for some time.

In December 1847 he was married to Miss Julia A. Flanders, of this county.

He was elected alderman in 1852 and again in 1864 and 1865. In 1873 he was appointed county assessor and collector of taxes for the city. After several years service in this capacity he was elected chief of police and afterwards city treasurer.

He belongs to the order of Kinght Templars, the Order of Tonti and Knights of the Golden Rule, all of which will probably attend the funeral in a body. He was at one time treasurer of Goodyear lodge Order of the Tonti and was grand secretary of the Knights of the Golden Rule in Georgia. He was also recorder of St. Omer Commandery Knight Templars. Mr. Adams is the father of Walter F. Adams, Sydney F. Adams, Miss Lutie E. Adams, Mrs. Guy Hillsman of Madison and Mrs. John J. Smith, of Indianapolis, Ind.

His funeral is likely to be one of the largest that has occurred in Macon in many years.

08 May 2009

Mr. George P. Dure, Well Known Traveling Man

Image by James Allen.
George Powell Dure was buried in the Cabiness Ridge section of Rose Hill Cemetery. He was laid to rest in the DURE Family Plot. George's parents and wife Carrie Sewell are nearby.

George was the son of Capt. George Augustus Dure and Julia Kendrick. He was born 21 October 1868. George married Carrie Sewell (1865-1902) about 1886, and they had a son, George L. Dure.

George and Carrie are found with her parents in the 1900 Macon, Bibb County, Georgia, US Federal Census. The household was on New Street. George's occupation was listed as traveling salesman.

George Powell Dure died 7 February 1902 at Americus, Georgia, after an illness. The status of his illness, his death, and his funeral were chronicled in the Macon Weekly Telegraph (Viewed online at GenealogyBank):

4 February 1902 -
Macon Young Man Who Is Almost Hopelessly Ill at Americus.

A telephone message from Americus states that Mr. George P. Dure has taken a decided turn for the worse. His mother left last night for his bedside. There seems little hope for his recovery."

7 February 1902 -
A Former Citizen of Macon is Seriously Ill at Americus.

Mr. George P. Dure, son of Capt. Geo. A. Dure, is seriously ill at his residence in Americus. Mr. Dure has been in a critical condition for the past several days, but he was better yesterday than formerly. His physician states that should he live through today he will recover."

8 February 1902 -
Well Known Traveling Man From Macon Passed Away After Long Illness.

Mr. George P. Dure, son of Capt. and Mrs. George A. Dure, and brother of Mr. Leon S. Dure, Mrs. George Cherry, Misses Nellie and Lillie Dure of Macon and Mrs. Frank A. Coburn of Valdosta, died last night at 9 o'clock at his home in Americus, after an illness of several weeks. A telephone message was received by Capt. Dure last night telling of the death. Mr. Leon Dure left at once to bring the remains to Macon.

Mr. Dure leaves a wife and two children.

The remains will arrive in the city this afternoon. The funeral will take place some time tomorrow. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made."

9 February 1902 -
It Will Occur This Afternoon at 3 O'Clock.

The funeral [for] Mr. George P. Dure, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dure, will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence of his parents, 721 Pint street.

Mr. Dure leaves a wife and one child. Mrs. Dure before her marriage was Miss Carrie Sewell of Macon.

The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. H. O. Judd, rector of St. Paul's church. The interment will be in Rose Hill cemetery."

07 May 2009

Glen B. Jennings & Evelyn Cherry

Glen B. Jennings and his wife Evelyn Cherry were buried in the Cabiness Ridge section of Rose Hill Cemetery. Their gravestones can be found in the George A. Dure Family Plot.

Glen Bounetheau Jennings was born 18 December 1888 in Charleston, South Carolina to Henry B. Jennings and Martha Glen Reeves. Julia Evelyn Cherry was born 15 December 1891 in Georgia to George R. Cherry (1868-1931) and Emma Dure (1870-1955). Evelyn's parents are also buried in the DURE family plot.1

Glen and his parents can be found in the 1900 Charleston, South Carolina, US Federal Census.2 Glen was one of twelve children. All are listed in A History of the Glen Family of South Carolina and Georgia by J. G. B. Bulloch, MD (November 1923, pages 40 & 41):3

Martha Glen Reeves, daughter of Matthew Sully Reeves and Ellen Jackson Bounetheau, married Henry Burrett Jennings, and had:

- George Simmons Jennings [I think he was listed as "Grange" in the 1900 census], born 14 December 1887; married 24 June 1914 Maud Hill.
- Rosa Lottie Jennings, born 25 February 1881; died in infancy.
- David Jennings, born 1 November 1882; married 25 September 1907 Adelaide Chalmers Gaston.
- Henry B. Jennings, Jr., born 1 August 1883; married 8 January 1913 Josie Sibley.
- Glen Ellen Jennings, born 21 May 1885; died 11 April 1886.
- Helen Trenholm Jennings, born 26 March 1887; married 10 April 1907 Wallace Bailey.
- Glen Bounetheau Jennings, born 18 December 1888; married 9 October 1912 Eveline Cherry.
- Lottie Witte Jennings, born 21 October 1890.
- Ufford Jennings.
- Virginia Pinckney Jennings, born 19 October 1894.
- Elizabeth Porter Jennings, born 18 February 1897.
- Martha Lucas Jennings, born 17 October 1898.

Glen was found in the 1910 Duval County, Florida, US Federal Census. His occupation was Mill Supplies Salesman.4

The engagement of Evelyn and Glen was announced in the Macon Weekly Telegraph (Georgia) 18 August 1912:5
Weddings and Engagements

Mr. and Mrs. George Robert Cherry of Jacksonville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Julia Evelyn, to Glen Bounetheau Jennings of Charleston, S.C., the wedding to occur in the fall.

Miss Cherry is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Cherry and made her home in Macon until the past two years. She is a niece of Leon Dure, of this city, and has a wide circle of friends who will be interested in the announcement of her engagement. During her residence in Macon she was one of the most popular members of the younger set, being a girl of an exceedingly charming and fascinating manner.

Mr. Jennings is a man of sterling qualities and comes from one of South Carolina's oldest and best families.
Glen was living in Macon, Bibb County, Georgia at the time of his World War I draft registration in 1917. His home address was 251 Bond Street.6 A short time later, Glen and Evelyn moved to Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida:7
Macon Weekly Telegraph (Georgia), 3 June 1917
Personal Mention
Mr. and Mrs. Glen B. Jennings expect to leave shortly for Tampa, Fla., to make their home. This announcement is occasioning many expressions of regret from a large circle of friends.
Glen and his wife are found in the 1920 Hillsborough County, Florida, US Federal Census. They were living on S. Willow Avenue, and Glen's occupation was listed as Mill Supplies Manager.8

Glen, his wife, and his wife's parents are found in the 1930 Hillsborough County, Florida, US Federal Census. Glen's occupation was Mill Supplies Manager. Evelyn's father (George Cherry) had an occupation of "wholesale druggist supplier assistant."9

Glen and Evelyn are found in the 1945 Hillsborough County, Florida state census. It was stated that both had a high school education.10

Glen died in Hillsborough County, Florida 8 November 1973.11 Evelyn died 7 March 1981.
1. Tombstone transcriptions by Stephanie Lincecum. Cabiness Ridge Section, Rose Hill Cemetery; Riverside Drive, Macon, Bibb County, Georgia. April 2009.
2. 1900 United States Federal Census. Precinct 2, Charleston Ward 8, Charleston County, South Carolina. ED 98, Sheet 7B, Family 149, Line 69. Viewed online at Ancestry.
3. A History of the Glen Family of South Carolina and Georgia by J. G. B. Bulloch, MD (November 1923, pages 40 & 41)
4. 1910 United States Federal Census. Precinct 17, Jacksonville Ward 3, Duval County, Florida. (ED 75) Viewed online at Ancestry.
5. Macon Weekly Telegraph; Georgia. 18 August 1912 edition. Viewed online at GenealogyBank.
6. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
7. Macon Weekly Telegraph; Georgia. 3 June 1917 edition. Viewed online at GenealogyBank.
8. 1920 United States Federal Census. Precinct 3, Tampa Ward 2, Hillsborough County, Florida. ED 38, Sheet 1A, Family 6, Line 18. Viewed online at Ancestry.
9. 1930 United States Federal Census. Hillsborough County, Florida. Viewed online at Ancestry.
10. 1945 Florida State Census. Precinct 4, Hillsborough County. Viewed online at Ancestry.
11. Florida Death Index, 1877-1998
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