25 June 2013

Thomas Becomes Editor of the Enquirer-Sun (Georgia Editor Dead, Pt. 3)

Augusta Chronicle (Georgia)
22 March 1926, pg. 2 (continued)

"...Editor of Enquirer-Sun.
The latter part of 1919 Mr. Loyless sold his holdings in The Chronicle to Thomas J. Hamilton, present editor of the paper, and he went to Columbus in company with Julian Harris, son of Joel Chandler Harris, of "Uncle Remus" fame, where he was associated in the publication of The Enquirer-Sun of that city. Mr. Loyless continued as editor of that paper for some time, being forced out of active newspaper work on account of ill health and he turned his attention to developing the Warm Springs resort, which he felt sure was one of great curative worth, and he did much work there, later doing a limited amount of journalistic work, notably for The Macon Telegraph, until ill health finally compelled him to quit entirely.

A Forceful Writer.
Mr. Loyless was regarded as a forceful and convincing writer, always interesting, analytical, informative and dependable. His genius as a reporter and his ability to put over a scoop were first demonstrated while he worked as a reporter on the Macon News, when he, a country boy, was sent to cover the Woolfolk hanging at Perry. Woolfolk had been convicted of killing his family of nine people with an axe, and interest in the tragedy kept the state on ear. It was highly important, in Loyless' opinion, that his newspaper should get the story first, and as there was only one telegraph wire or means of communication with Macon, he handed a Bible to the operator and told him to start at Genesis and seep sending until he should be stopped by Loyless. In the meantime, Loyless prepared his news story and got it far enough along to make sure he could keep his private operator busy. No other newspaper man had any outlet for his story and Loyless had the exclusive beat for the state and he was only a country boy.

Mr. Loyless' last newspaper connection was with the Macon Telegraph last year, he conducting an independent column until he became too weak to keep up the work."

Thomas W. Loyless
July 27, 1870 - Mar. 21, 1926
Remains Resting at Rose Hill Cemetery.

24 June 2013

Thomas was Left an Orphan Early (Georgia Editor Dead, Pt. 2)

Augusta Chronicle (Georgia)
22 March 1926, pgs 1 & 2 (continued)

"...Left an Orphan Early.
His father died in 187[5?] at the age of 30 years, when young Loyless was only five years old, he being the third child of a family of four children, and his mother died in 1879 at the age of 34 years. This left Thos. W. Loyless on his own resources at an early age and he began work as a clerk in his uncle's store at Dawson, but before he was 15 years old he went to Savannah as a clerk in a cotton firm, soon returning to Dawson to again work a short time in his uncle's store. However, he almost immediately began newspaper work on The Dawson News, now published by Hon. E. L. Rainey, of the prison commission of Georgia. His work soon attracted attention and he went to Macon in 1889 to work with The Macon News and a year later became city editor of The Macon Telegraph. In 1893 he went to Knoxville as managing editor of The Knoxville Sentinel, which position he held until 1[895?] when he organized a company to purchase The Macon News, which paper he edited until 1899, when he sold his interest to go to Atlanta as associate editor of The Atlanta Journal, and after a year there he accepted the same position with The Atlanta Constitution.

Becomes Chronicle Editor.
In 1903 he became associated with H. H. Cabaniss, business manager of The Journal, in a syndicate to purchase The Augusta Chronicle, and he was associated with Mr. Cabaniss in the work until 1905 when he procured the interest of Mr. Cabaniss and became editor and manager of The Chronicle. His record in Augusta is so well known until it would be needless to recount it. His activities were not circumscribed by the newspaper world, but instead he took and active part in practically every movement of consequence in the city and section during his residence here.

While not taking any part in politics personally, he was recognized as a great thinker and the fact that he was a selfmade [sic] man, fighting his way from the ground up, through all the vicissitudes of life, made him respected as an authority. He made enemies and friends and steadfastly maintained his position and fought for his convictions unrelentingly.

His home life was most affectionate. In 1895 he married Miss Margaret St. Clair Neill, daughter of Capt. Cecil C. Neill, of the United States navy. Though born in Charleston she was reared in Macon. To the couple was born a son, who died as a boy, and a daughter, Margaret, now Mrs. Patrick H. Mell.

In 1908 he was a delegate at large from Georgia to the democratic national convention and in 1912 he was tendered the same position, but he did not accept..."

Part 1 is here. Final part next up: "Editor of Enquirer-Sun" and "A Forceful Writer."

23 June 2013

Georgia Editor, Dead

Augusta Chronicle (Georgia)
22 March 1926, pg. 1

Macon, Ga., May 21 -- (AP) -- The body of Thomas W. Loyless will be brought here on a special car on the Southern railway Tuesday evening at 7:55 o'clock and the funeral will take place Wednesday morning at St. Joseph's Catholic church.
Thomas Wesley Loyless, for 15 years editor of The Augusta Chronicle and nationally known as one of the South's leading newspapermen, is dead. After a lingering illness, that affected him for years he succumbed yesterday morning at 11:30 o'clock, death occurring at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Pat M. Mell, in Philadelphia. His condition had been regarded as acute since last summer when he underwent a major operation in Atlanta from which he never recovered. During the Christmas holidays he went to visit his daughter and suffering a recurrence of his ailment he grew worse until his death was momentarily expected on several different occasions during the past two or three months.

The announcement of his death will cause a shock throughout the state. A decade ago his death would have removed from the life of Augusta one of its leading figures around whom centered some of the stormiest fights ever inaugurated in Augusta. His newspaper career in Augusta covered a period of over 15 years and all of it was characterized by an activity prior to that unequalled in the history of local journalism.

Marion Building, Augusta,GA
Marion Building, Augusta, GA
by buck stone, on Flickr
Notably Active in Augusta.
His most notable activities were directed toward upbuilding the city in a commercial and industrial way, at the same time attacking means and methods in some quarters. The completion of The Chronicle building, now known as the Marion building, was the first modern fire-proof office structure completed in the city and he was the dominant figure in its organization.

In political circles he waged a two edged sword and his support of Gov. John M. Slaton [as?] the memorable Leo Frank case attracted nationwide attention, and while not strictly a political question it had many aspects of this character.

In the last illness of Mr. Loyless he knew that he was facing the inevitable and had sent messages to friends in Augusta that his death was but a question of time and the time would not be long. The turn for the worse came last Friday night and he continued to sink gradually until the end came quietly Sunday morning, with his wife and daughter, an only surviving child, present at his bedside.

Funeral in Macon Wednesday.
Thomas, son of T. W. Loyless
Died Feb 22, 1898
Plans for the funeral are for the burial to take place at Macon Wednesday morning, the former home of the family, where he will sleep beside his only son, according to his often expressed wish, the son dying many years ago, when he was a promising boy, filling his father's heart with grief and sorrow, from which he never fully recovered.

After the last sad rites are over, his wife, Mrs. Margaret St. Clair Loyless, will go to Deland, Florida, where she will be with her half-brother, Loyless Kennedy, for some time.

The surviving members of his immediate family are his wife, Mrs. Margaret St. Clair Loyless and his daughter, Mrs. Patrick H. Mell, together with her little daughter, grand-child of Mr. Loyless.

Thomas W. Loyless was born in Dawson, Ga., July 27, 1870, son of Thomas W. and Susan (van Aldehoff) Loyless. His father was born in Columbia county, Georgia, and entered the service of the Confederate Army under General Joe Wheeler, when a very young man, serving with distinction until the close of the war. After the war his father went to Dawson, Ga., and shortly afterward married Miss Susan van Aldehoff, of Tennessee..."

Block 2, Lot 39 of Eglantine Square
Rose Hill Cemetery
Macon, Georgia

Stay tuned for more about Thomas Wesley Loyless. Next up: "Left an Orphan Early" and "Becomes Chronicle Editor."

21 June 2013

In Memoriam: Mrs. Meta Agnes Kennedy

Meta Agnes, wife of Andrew Kennedy of yesterday's post, was born 27 July 1854 in Charleston, South Carolina to George W. Black. She died just short of her 45th birthday at her home, Breezy Hill on Forsyth road, in Macon, Georgia 19 July 1899. She rests beside her husband in Rose Hill Cemetery.

"God's Last Best Gift To Man, A Noble Woman."
Meta Agnes Kennedy
Born Charleston, S.C. July 27, 1854
Died Macon, GA July 19, 1899.

Macon Telegraph (Georgia)
2 August 1899, pg. 5

Mrs. Meta Agnes Kennedy, Wife of Andrew W. Kennedy.

Meta Agnes Kennedy, wife of Andrew W. Kennedy, whose mortal remains were laid away under the kindly shadows of Rose Hill's guardian pines a few days ago, was a woman of the most lovable character. Born in Charleston, S.C., the daughter of Geo. W. Black, July 27, 1854, she was old enough, during the civil war, to realize its terrors.

As a child she had ministered to the fighting men who bore the Confederacy's flag, and, as a child, she had wept over the loss of brothers, grown to manhood, who had given their lives to their country's cause. The afflictions which threw a pall over her early youth strengthened and ennobled her. She rose out of them a woman who could sympathize with others, for she had known what it was to suffer. She was equipped for any station in life. Those who came within the circle of her radiant presence were held in charm by her personality. Her unobtrusive kindness was a perennial benison to those who looked to her for comfort and cheer. Endowed with all the graces that illustrated the highest type of womanhood, her children rise up to call her blessed and the world is made better because she lived to exemplify in her daily walk and conversation the virtues inculcated by the Master. Her helping and comforting hand was ever extended to the lowly. In the efforts and ambitions of those who were near and dear to her she was always an eager participant. No sacrifice for them was too great for her to make; no duty was too arduous for her to meet; no trial to excessive for her to endure. In the window of her heart the light of love was kept burning. For those about her she made the day fair. Devoted to her church she proved herself its true daughter. She was quick to administer to those who were afflicted. She was generous to those who were aspersed. She was loyal to those who depended upon her for guidance, for safe-keeping and for solace.

Such a life makes us sure that there is hope beyond the grave; that there is to be a reunion in a happier state; that there must be reward for the faithful.

20 June 2013

How Mr. Andrew Kennedy Saved the Sandersville Hotel

Andrew William Kennedy was born 4 December 1851 in Georgia. Census records suggest his parents were both born in Pennsylvania. I found an interesting item relating to Mr. Kennedy in the 10 May 1888 Macon Telegraph (Georgia):

How Mr. Andrew Kennedy Saved the Sandersville Hotel.

Mr. Andrew W. Kennedy was seen at the union depot yesterday prior to leaving prior to a trip down the road. His moustache was gone, and his left eyebrow had been nearly singed off. He showed several bad places on his face and arms caused by burns received at the fire of last Friday night which laid so much of Sandersville in ashes.

The fire occurred shortly before twelve o'clock. Mr. Kennedy and his family were in the hotel, and on being aroused he dressed hurriedly and went out. He saw that there was a two-story house between the fire and the hotel, and in order to save the caravansary the flames must be deprived of fuel before reaching it. To do this he thought of blowing up the house. Mr. Pringle, of Sandersville, secured two kegs of powder and these were placed in the building. They had no fuse and they concluded to make a train of powder to be set off. Mr. Kennedy then secured a brand from the burning house next door and threw it into the door of the house to be blown up. On securing the brand he saw that he did not have a moment to spare as the flames were gradually and greedily coming nearer and nearer. He took the torch and threw it into the door. The great volume of smoke that followed the explosion burnt his face and singed his moustache. The hotel was saved at the expense of the building next door.

Andrew has made himself solid with the people of that section for saving the hotel.

It is hoped that he will soon be entirely recovered from his injuries.
Andrew William Kennedy
Dec 4, 1851
July 24, 1920

Mr. Andrew Kennedy rests in Rose Hill Cemetery next to his wife, Meta Agnes Kennedy (1854-1899).

Macon Telegraph (Georgia)
26 July 1920, pg. 9

Funeral services for Andrew W. Kennedy, aged 68 years, who died at the Summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Loyless, at Warm Springs, Saturday, July 24, at 4:15 o'clock, were held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from St. Joseph Catholic Church, Rev. Father W. A. Wilkinson officiating. Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery. The following acted as pallbearers: R. L. McKenney, Harry Wright, M. J. Callaghan, A. D. Daly, E. A. Sheridan and W. P. Bennett.

Mr. Kennedy is survived by the following children, William E., A. M. and I. L. Kennedy, and was a step-father of Mrs. T. W. Loyless.

The local council Knights of Columbus turned out in a body to escort the body to the cemetery.

07 June 2013

Oldest Odd Fellow in Georgia (as of September 1903)

Photo by James Allen


Mr. George Rogers Barker, the oldest Odd Fellow in Georgia, Macon's oldest retail merchant, second oldest Mason of the Central City, and the merchant who received the second shipment of freight via the Central of Georgia railroad, has passed away. The grand old man breathed his last yesterday evening at 7:30 o'clock, surrounded by his immediate family, lodge brothers and friends. When he took his last breath, the life of the best known secret order man in Georgia had crossed the great divide. He was a Northern man of Southern principles. He had a good constitution and always enjoyed good health. He was a man of uncommon mind and through his long business career and during the panics he never had a note to go to protest.

Mr. Barker was 89 years of age, and has been a resident of Macon for fifty-seven years, arriving here during the year 1846.

Mr. Barker was born in Stony Creek, Old Branford Township, Conn., August 16, 1815. He came to Macon at the age of 31 to engage in business. On October 21, 1854, he was married to Mrs. Sarah Abbott Evans, a native Georgian, who survives him. He engaged in the grocery business on Cotton avenue, and conducted it for fifty years, when he sold out his business and retired. He conducted the business on the same site for a half century, and was known throughout the state. Mr. Barker was the second merchant in Macon to receive a shipment of freight over the Central railroad, which was completed soon after he engaged in business.

Mr. Barker is survived by his devoted wife, one son and three daughters, who are Mrs. Walter B. Hill of Athens, Mrs. J. D. Skinner of Atlanta, Mrs. S. D. Smith of Houston county and Mr. George M. Barker. He is also survived by thirteen living grandchildren.

During his forty-nine years of married life there has only been three deaths in the family -- one granddaughter and two grandsons, who died very young.

Mr. Barker has resided at 153 Magnolia street for forty-seven years, and has watched Macon grow from a mere village to one of the prettiest cities of the South.

His ancestors were among the first settlers of Connecticut and served in the Revolutionary period.

Mr. Barker was the oldest Odd Fellow in Georgia, having been a member of one lodge for fifty years. He joined the United Brothers Lodge No. 5 of this city in 1851. He was never suspended, and was a constant member at all times. He was thirty years a charter member of the Macon Union Encampment No. 2. He was also a charter member of Yonah Rebekah Lodge No. 23. He was a charter member of Patriarch Militant Canton, Macon, No. 4. He was grand secretary of the grand lodge for a number of years, and representative to the sovereign grand lodge several times. He was treasurer of the United Brothers Lodge for thirty-two years, and was treasurer at the time of his death. He has been treasurer of Macon Union Encampment since his connection with the lodge.

As an Odd Fellow he had held every office in the subordinate lodge. He was responsible for the Odd Fellows owning the magnificent building on Cherry street. He was one of four of the original purchasers of the site, and was the man who paid the last dollar of the indebtedness.

Mr. Barker was the second oldest Mason in Macon, Mr. George A. Dure having joined one year before. He was a Mason of high standing and was loved by every member of the lodge. He was a member of Macon Lodge No. 5, Constantine Chapter No. 4, Washington Council No. 6, and St. Omer Commandery No. 2. He has held every office from the lowest to the highest in the gift of the Macon lodge. He was worshipful master at one time, and has been treasurer of St. Omer commandery for nearly forty years. He never missed a meeting of the Masons unless he was ill or away from the city. He was one of the prime movers in the erection of the Masonic building on Cotton avenue.

Mr. Barker was a charter member of Central City Lodge No. 3, Knights of Pythias. About two years ago, while descending the stairway of the Pythian Castle, he fell and fractured his hip, which has since confined him to his home. It is said that this fall was to a large degree the cause of his death. During the last few months he recovered from the injury sufficiently to move about by the use of two walking sticks.

About ten days ago he began to show signs of weakening and his condition gradually grew worse until the end came. All hope for his recovery was given up several days ago, and when death came it was not a surprise to those around the bedside.

The funeral arrangements have not been completed, but they will probably occur Monday. He will be buried with Masonic honors, and the different lodges of which he was a member will attend." [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 12 September 1903, pg. 5]

George Rogers Barker was laid to rest the next day ["Mr. Barker Buried With Masonic Honors." Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 14 September 1903, pg. 8]:
The funeral procession from the church to the cemetery was a large one. Nearly two hundred Odd Fellows, Masons and Knights of Pythias were in the procession.

At the grave in Rose Hill cemetery the Knights Templar conducted the funeral services, which is considered the prettiest of all secret orders. It was Mr. Barker's dying request that the Knights Templar conduct his funeral at the grave...

06 June 2013

A Mysterious Ruling of Providence

Photo by James Allen
Mrs. Sarah Barker rests in the Eglantine Square section of Rose Hill Cemetery. According to a news article, TWO SISTERS, IN DEATH, SLEEPING SIDE BY SIDE [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 17 May 1906, pg. 1], her sister rests beside her. Unfortunately, it seems the grave of Sarah's sister (Mrs. Marian S. Kimbrough) is unmarked. There is mention of a Mrs. Mary Kimbrough in the Rose Hill Cemetery database online, but the specific burial whereabouts are unknown...


Mrs. Marian S. Kimbrough Passed Away in Alamaba
[sic] and Mrs. Sarah A. Barker in Houston County, Ga. Both Buried in Macon Today.

Within six hours, two of the oldest and most beloved former residents of Macon, both sisters, passed away yesterday morning, one shortly after midnight, the other at 6 o'clock in the morning.

First, Mrs. Marian S. Kimbrough passed away at her home in Opelika, Ala. Mrs. Kimbrough was the mother of R. H. Nesbit, a prominent citizen of Knoxville, Tenn. She died at midnight Monday.

Six hours later, Mrs. Sarah A. Barker, widow of the late George R. Barker, succumbed, after lingering between life and death for several weeks. The latter's death was due to the result of a fall sustained three weeks ago. She died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. D. Smith, in Houston county.

Both of these aged women formerly lived in Macon. They lived together, died on the same day, and their bodies will be interred side by side in Rose Hill cemetery today.

The body of Mrs. Kimbrough arrived in the city at an early hour this morning. The funeral services were conducted in Opelika, Ala., yesterday. The committal services will be conducted at the grave at Rose Hill cemetery at 10 o'clock this morning.

The funeral of Mrs. Barker will be conducted at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the home of her friend, Mrs. George Wright, 140 Magnolia street. The interment will also be in Rose Hill cemetery.

Mrs. Barker was born in Jefferson County, November 25, 1826. Her family moved here when she was aged one year. She lived in Macon until the death of her husband two and a half years ago, after which she made her home with her children. Mrs. Barker, therefore, lived in Macon over 75 years.

She is survived by four children: Mrs. Walter B. Hill, widow of the late lamented chancellor of the University of Georgia; Mrs. J. M. Skinner of Atlanta; Mrs. S. D. Smith, of Houston County, and George M. Barker, of Atlanta.

Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Kimbrough were the most devoted of sisters. It was one of the mysterious rulings of providence that both should die within the same day, in just a few hours of each other.

Both were women of the purest of characters and the most kindly and charitable of natures. The death of each filled hundreds of homes in Macon and else where in deep sorrow, and that of both in such a short length of time has prostrated the families and friends in the deepest of grief and mourning." [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 16 May 1906, pg. 3]
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