On the last day of 1879, the widower Alexander R. McLaughlin died of Bright's Disease at his home in Macon, Bibb County, Georgia. He was born in Ireland in the early 1800s, and was living in Macon by his early 20s. A death notice for Alexander, a retired merchant, was issued in the 1 January 1880 Macon Telegraph (Georgia):
Yesterday Mr. A. R. McLaughlin, an old and well-known citizen of Macon, died at his residence in this city. He was at one time a large merchant and capitalist. He was also, for a long time, a member of the Macon Volunteers, and his name was still regularly enrolled among its honorary members. He will be buried this morning with military honors.
That same day, another item was ran in the same newspaper regarding Alexander R. McLaughlin, Jr. It seems he would have to resign from his position on the Macon City Council due to health reasons. Less than ten weeks later, A. R. McLaughlin, Jr. was dead. He was remembered in the 14 March 1880 Macon Telegraph. (Original article, as well as image at right, via GenealogyBank.)
Death of A. R. McLaughlin.
The many friends of Mr. A. R. McLaughlin will be pained to learn of his death, which occurred yesterday morning at two o'clock. The deceased had long been a sufferer from consumption, and passed quietly away after the disease had run its course. Mr. McLaughlin was once a lieutenant in the Floyd Rifles; for a long time chief of Young America, No. 3, fire company, and served a portion of a term as City Clerk, resigning on account of failing health. He was a young man of most excellent character, admirable qualities, the favorite of a large circle of friends and beloved by all who knew him. His funeral will take place from the residence of his sister, Mrs. H. R. Stroemer, corner of Mulberry and Fourth streets, to-day at 2 p.m. He will be buried by the Floyd Rifles and No. 3 Fire Company with appropriate ceremonies.
I thought it was a little strange to find no mention of his father's death just a few months before. Both father and son were found listed together in the 1880 Bibb County, Georgia Federal census mortality schedule, though.
Via Ancestry.
Father and son McLaughlin, along with wife and mother Elizabeth who had died in 1872, were laid to rest in block 1, lot 19 of the Central Avenue Division of Rose Hill Cemetery.
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