17 February 2013

Who the Victims Are (Terrific Explosion Finale)

[The beginning is here.]

"Who the Victims Are.
Photo by James Allen
Mr. John McDonnell, who was killed, leaves a widow and a babe 11 months old. He has resided in Macon about ten years. He has a number of relatives in Knoxville, Tenn., and a brother who is a machinist in the navy yard at Washington, D. C. He has a sister at Knoxville. Two relatives will be here from Knoxville, and the brother will come from Washington, so that the funeral cannot be held until Saturday morning. Mr. McDonnell's father cannot come, because he is quite ill. Deceased was a member of the International Association of Machinists and of the Hibernian Benevolent Society. He was 36 years old, and in full bloom of manhood. Few men had made so many friends in Macon in so short a time. His exemplary conduct was always an inspiration to others. He is a brother-in-law of Messrs. James E. Reid, T. C. Hickey and W. M. Dewberry. His residence is at 2001 Fourth street.

Photo by James Allen
Mr. Edmond William Hodges was 50 years old, and he leaves a widow and four children, Willis, Earle, Frank ad Martha. He resided at 117 Bellevue avenue, Huguenin Heights, and the funeral will occur from there today, as per funeral notice in another column. He has spent the greater part of his life in the service of railroads at Macon, going into the shops at Macon years ago at the same time that Sheriff Westco[l?]t entered to learn his trade. Deceased was a brother of Messrs. Robert and Ollie Hodges, and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all who knew him.

Uriah Cornelius, the negro who was on the engine when the explosion occurred, and who was blown to pieces, was a fireman. He will turned over to the colored Knights of Pythias for burial, as he was a member of that order. He came to Macon from some point above Cochran.

Mr. R. L. Willis, who was injured, is thought to be in a fair way to recover. He is an alderman, representing the Fourth ward. His excellent race for that position in the recent municipal election will be recalled by all. He was taken to his home immediately after the accident.

Mr. Henry Fox is one of the oldest employes [sic] in the shops. He is 58 years old. He is highly esteemed by all who know him, and many prayers were offered last night for his recovery.

Mr. W. M. Wilson had just moved to Macon from Jones county, and accepted a position with the road the day before the accident. He has a wife and children in East Macon. He is a brother to Police Officer Wilson.

Mr. James O'Neal is a young man hardly 21 years old. He has a devoted mother residing in East Macon. His sister died a short time ago.

Mr. Ed Hambrick resides in East Macon. He was one of the carpenters on the shed near the engine. It is thought he will pull through without difficulty." [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 3 January 1902, Pg. 5 -- Viewed online at GenealogyBank.]

All Posts in Series:
- Terrific Explosion Followed by Death
- I Cannot Live; You Cannot Do Anything for Me
- A Leg Bone was Found Just Over the Fence
- The Deceased Came to Their Death from the Explosion of an Engine Boiler
- Both Men were Blown Away, and Killed Instantly
- Who the Victims Are


  1. I love reading your posts and the way you dig out facts to go with many of the gravestones etc that you feature. I am new to genealogy but naturally nosy which I find works our rather well for me, lol. I've read all sorts of interesting accounts. One thing I can't quite get over is how very detailed the 'gruesome' facts are! I suppose the imagination however is a far better place to 'see' those things than spread all over the tv screen.

    I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to do these posts. I know it takes time and energy and I for one appreciate and enjoy them.

  2. Thanks so much Terri! And you are so right about those gory details. I like to tell people who think there is more "meanness" in the world today to go read old newspapers. :-)


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