Frank Augustus Coburn (Sept 2, 1861 - Aug 7, 1908) was laid to rest in the
Geo. A. Dure Family plot in the Cabiness Ridge section of Rose Hill Cemetery. Mr. Coburn's gravestone contains quite a bit of symbolism; read about it
here. An obituary for Mr. Coburn can be found in the 8 August 1908 edition of the
Macon Weekly Telegraph:
Deaths & Funerals
COBURNDied at midnight at his residence, No. 19 Navaro Flats, Frank A. Coburn, in his 46th year.
The many friends and acquaintances in the city and throughout the State, of Mr. Frank A. Coburn will learn the news of his death with genuine sorrow, for he was widely known and greatly loved.
Mr. Coburn's death, while a distinct sorrow, was not unexpected. He had traveled much in the west for the last two years in search of health, but only recently his decline had been very rapid and most of his relatives were at his bedside when the end came.
Mr. Coburn was a Floridian by birth, but had lived in Savannah for several years before coming to Macon. After making Savannah his home for some time, he cam to Macon, but then went to Valdosta where he and his family lived up to about two years ago.
He was married to Mr. Leon Dure's sister, the union resulting in two children who survive him, Frank B. and Estelle Coburn. He also leaves four sisters and two brothers: Miss Emma Coburn of Savannah, Mrs. S. M. Harris, of Savannha; Mrs. H. Willis McFadden, of New York City; Mr. Cas. D. Coburn, of New York City; Mrs. Helen C. Drummond, of Atlanta, and Mr. W. S. Coburn, of Atlanta.
The deceased was for several years secretary of Mabel Lodge of Macon, and was a member of the Elks.